Is the Episcopal church dying?

I sometimes attend a little church in Chaptico and see less and less people on sundays. Last week there were 15 people at the 10:30 service, including the priest.
Well, they have a woman priest at this church who I didn't find at all inspiring. Not one bit. All she talked about was showing up and giving more money.


New Member
Yes, it is dying. Becoming liberal tends to do that because when you become exactly like the rest of the world, what makes you different or attractive?


mama to two
It is funny that the Episcopal church should be a topic of conversation. I am Episcopalian. I say this because there is a religion that is trying to destroy the world. We can debate the ideologies about every religion. That would keep this forum going forever, and vrai would not even need advertisers. When will it be that we all unite against evil, and overlook our small differences in Christian religion, or any religion. I think at this point, it is a matter of life or death. So, let us keep pointing out what we disagree with, instead of trying to live together. Makes sense to me. Not.

Allowing gays or women to be leaders of a religion, or trying to gloss over/eradicate abuses in a religion is nothing. Human nature will overrule every time. How about we concentrate on an extremist jihadist (Muslim) religion that is trying to rule the world. No matter what religion you are, that should be your wake up call.
It is funny that the Episcopal church should be a topic of conversation. I am Episcopalian. I say this because there is a religion that is trying to destroy the world. We can debate the ideologies about every religion. That would keep this forum going forever, and vrai would not even need advertisers. When will it be that we all unite against evil, and overlook our small differences in Christian religion, or any religion. I think at this point, it is a matter of life or death. So, let us keep pointing out what we disagree with, instead of trying to live together. Makes sense to me. Not.

Allowing gays or women to be leaders of a religion, or trying to gloss over/eradicate abuses in a religion is nothing. Human nature will overrule every time. How about we concentrate on an extremist jihadist (Muslim) religion that is trying to rule the world. No matter what religion you are, that should be your wake up call.

I have no problem with gays or women being leaders. That's one reason why I left the Catholic many years ago. My problem is all the infighting cause by flawed members of the vesty who are running (or ruining) this church.