Is there an attack of stupid people this week.



I swear if I get one more person asking me a stupid question today, or sending me an email with a stupid questions I am going to blow my stack. How do some of you deal with stupid questions, and still yet remain polite.


My Sweetest Boy

If the e-mails are of an upsetting nature, report them to the board mommy (if they originate from


No it isn't emails. I do technical support for some of the websites for the Navy. And it is usually the officers that ask me dumb questions about stuff that has nothing to do with web. Like why isn't the printing working. They all know that I work off-base and have nothing to do with the printers.

Then one of my friends called me, and asked me if I could make him a website. Which I don't mind doing, but he doesn't need to leave me a voicemail saying it is VERY important that I call him back. I thought that there was a family problem, not being asked to do a website. I snapped at him and told him that I will call him when I get home and not to call me at work with stupid qyestions.

Then while driving into work, There was a guy in the right hand land who sped up to pass me, and then cut in front of me, to find out that the person in front of me was going slow and hold everyone up. At that point he couldn't pass anyone again.

I swear I need a stupid sign to tack on people.


Nothing to see here
Wonder if this is their vehicle...


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New Member
Re: Re: Is there an attack of stupid people this week.

Originally posted by cariblue
Yes. They have names like CalvertGuy, lilbooboo, Fear Nothing, etc....once you catch up on the threads, you'll be able to pick them out pretty easily. And at all costs, you must avoid meeting them in real life. Creepy.

I know who lilbooboo and fear nothing are, what about calvert? :confused:


Attire Monitor
Originally posted by Boogieman117
Anyone ever hear from a comedian named Bill Engvall???

I'm Stupid signs for everyone who needs them.... :)

I work with comedians.
Bill is a VERY funny man, indeed...