Is There Anything Worse Than an Athlete Who Stays Too Long?



I was thinking that yesterday as I was watching the Packers lose another one. Granted, I loved seeing the Steelers win, but I couldn't help but feel bad for Brett Farve. He was planning to retire at the end of last season and then changed his mind and it looks like he's just dragging his team down. Worse, he's postponing the development of his successor, so next year when the team starts losing with whoever the new guy is, there'll be a push to get some cast-off like Testaverde or Bledsoe who are past their primes just so they can win a game or two.

So, the question is should they bench Brett or let him play out the year?


They call me ... Sarcasmo
If Green Bay puts Farve on the bench, there would be a revolution in Wisconsin. Farve is the only marquis player in the organization and therefore he is the draw. I believe he could do better somewhere else with more talented teammates. If GB continues to lose, they'll be neck in neck with SF and Houston for the trio coming out of USC in April. Leinart QB, Bush RB, and I can't remember the other RBs name right now.


Set Trippin
kom526 said:
If Green Bay puts Farve on the bench, there would be a revolution in Wisconsin. Farve is the only marquis player in the organization and therefore he is the draw. I believe he could do better somewhere else with more talented teammates. If GB continues to lose, they'll be neck in neck with SF and Houston for the trio coming out of USC in April. Leinart QB, Bush RB, and I can't remember the other RBs name right now.
I agree, before yesterday only one other QB had more TD throws than he...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Ah yes...

So, the question is should they bench Brett or let him play out the year?

Should they? Maybe. Will they? Can't conceive of it as long as Favre can line up behind center.

From what I've seen, Favre is not done physically; he can still move and his arm hasn't lost much if anything. The problem seems to be he is trying too hard; trying to do it all himself. That said, he has ALWAYS been all out.

I think Green Bays problems are much deeper than Favre.

Besides, TO says the Eagles would be undefeated with the guy in place of McNabb. Who are we to disagree with the mind of TO?