Is there truth to this


Well-Known Member
Received the following in an e-mail. Is this true?
story said:

ANNAPOLIS—Democrat leaders in the Senate scheduled hearings today, Valentine’s Day, for several bills related to marriage, including one that would erase marriage from the books.

Senate Bill 689, sponsored by Senators Jamie Raskin and Richard Madaleno, was heard today in the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee. The bill would repeal all references to “marriage” in state law and replace the term with “domestic partnership.”

Several other marriage-related bills were heard by the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee. Maryland’s Marriage Protection Act (Senate Bill 169 and House Bill 1345), which has bipartisan support, would add a new section to Maryland’s Constitution establishing marriage as between a man and a woman. The Maryland Republican Party supports SB 169 and HB 1345 and encourages this action to protect the institution of marriage from further attack.

On September 18, 2007, the Maryland Court of Appeals upheld a 1973 state law that defines marriage as only between a man and a woman. Democrat leaders, working with left-wing special interest groups, are now trying to change the state law or to replace the institution of marriage altogether.

Dr. Jim Pelura, Chairman of the Maryland Republican Party, released the following statement:
“The Democrat Party has again shown their disdain for the institution of marriage. They have scheduled hearings on Valentine’s Day to legalize same-sex marriage or to abolish marriage altogether. However, Marylanders, who overwhelmingly support traditional marriage, are not going to show much love for this PR stunt.

“In September, the Maryland Court of Appeals correctly upheld state law that defines marriage between a man and a woman. As predicted, the Democrat Party is playing games with the institution of marriage. Democrats who support traditional marriage should join with Republicans and pass Maryland’s Marriage Protection Act (SB 169 and HB 1345) to settle this issue once and for all. Marriage is between a man and a woman. Period.”​


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Totally true: BILL INFO-2008 Regular Session-SB 689

However, if you really wanted to, you could have a bill introduced that said all elected officials had to paint themselves blue. Doesn't mean it's going to happen...BTW, the House committee has a hearing on their version of this bill on February 28th.


Totally true: BILL INFO-2008 Regular Session-SB 689

However, if you really wanted to, you could have a bill introduced that said all elected officials had to paint themselves blue. Doesn't mean it's going to happen...BTW, the House committee has a hearing on their version of this bill on February 28th.

Okay, so does this mean everyone that is "married" gets thrown into a concetration camp to await extermination? Does this means if you get "married" you could get arrested?

Is this really the BIG issue our politicians need to be focusing on? How pathetic!