ISIS Just Posted 5 Reasons It’s Justified Mercilessly Killing Women & Children – But Why Stop There?
ISIS terrorists might indeed be poised to blow the Obama administration “out of the water” on social media, as SNL recently put it in a skit ripping the President’s handling of the terror organization.
They reported the following (via IBT):
ISIS terrorists might indeed be poised to blow the Obama administration “out of the water” on social media, as SNL recently put it in a skit ripping the President’s handling of the terror organization.
They reported the following (via IBT):
- “…all Mushrik (anyone who worship any other God other than Allah, which includes the Shias, Yazidis, the Kurds) can neither be granted amnesty nor be ransomed off. Quoting a passage from Surah Al-Anfal (The Spoils of War), it says: “Punish them severely in order to disperse those who are behind them, so that they may learn a lesson.”
- “…the reason that a ‘kufaar’ (including Jews and Christians) has to be killed is that if they are not killed, they will later return and pose a threat to Islam.”
- “…until and unless a prisoner says ‘subhaanahu wa ta’ala,’ a Muslim name for Allah, he can neither be shown generosity and freed without ransom nor be set free after paying a ransom.
- “…amnesty and ransom are possible only after the killing of a large number. So if a captive was imprisoned after that, the Imam has a choice to kill him or (do) otherwise.”
- “…the Imam or someone acting on his behalf can choose between killing, amnesty, ransom or enslaving the prisoner.”