ISIS Just Posted 5 Reasons It’s Justified Mercilessly Kill


PREMO Member
ISIS Just Posted 5 Reasons It’s Justified Mercilessly Killing Women & Children – But Why Stop There?

ISIS terrorists might indeed be poised to blow the Obama administration “out of the water” on social media, as SNL recently put it in a skit ripping the President’s handling of the terror organization.

They reported the following (via IBT):

  1. “…all Mushrik (anyone who worship any other God other than Allah, which includes the Shias, Yazidis, the Kurds) can neither be granted amnesty nor be ransomed off. Quoting a passage from Surah Al-Anfal (The Spoils of War), it says: “Punish them severely in order to disperse those who are behind them, so that they may learn a lesson.”
  2. “…the reason that a ‘kufaar’ (including Jews and Christians) has to be killed is that if they are not killed, they will later return and pose a threat to Islam.”
  3. “…until and unless a prisoner says ‘subhaanahu wa ta’ala,’ a Muslim name for Allah, he can neither be shown generosity and freed without ransom nor be set free after paying a ransom.
  4. “…amnesty and ransom are possible only after the killing of a large number. So if a captive was imprisoned after that, the Imam has a choice to kill him or (do) otherwise.”
  5. “…the Imam or someone acting on his behalf can choose between killing, amnesty, ransom or enslaving the prisoner.”


Well-Known Member
How many more in Texas and wherever that have not been captured? I say they all march straight to the WH for a beer with Barry.


ISIS Just Posted 5 Reasons It’s Justified Mercilessly Killing Women & Children – But Why Stop There?

ISIS terrorists might indeed be poised to blow the Obama administration “out of the water” on social media, as SNL recently put it in a skit ripping the President’s handling of the terror organization.

They reported the following (via IBT):

  1. “…all Mushrik (anyone who worship any other God other than Allah, which includes the Shias, Yazidis, the Kurds) can neither be granted amnesty nor be ransomed off. Quoting a passage from Surah Al-Anfal (The Spoils of War), it says: “Punish them severely in order to disperse those who are behind them, so that they may learn a lesson.”
  2. “…the reason that a ‘kufaar’ (including Jews and Christians) has to be killed is that if they are not killed, they will later return and pose a threat to Islam.”
  3. “…until and unless a prisoner says ‘subhaanahu wa ta’ala,’ a Muslim name for Allah, he can neither be shown generosity and freed without ransom nor be set free after paying a ransom.
  4. “…amnesty and ransom are possible only after the killing of a large number. So if a captive was imprisoned after that, the Imam has a choice to kill him or (do) otherwise.”
  5. “…the Imam or someone acting on his behalf can choose between killing, amnesty, ransom or enslaving the prisoner.”
Yeah, bascially we are the infidels and have to be killed. They may have a little bit of a fight before that happens.