Islam: What the world is dealing with...


9/11 - Never Forget!
Here's a link to the cartoons. Yep, sure is enough reason for these animals to continue to kill innocents in the name of their religion. I think the scariest part of this whole controversy is the degree of leverage the islamists are exercising over the Governments of the West! Why are all the national spokespersons so damn afraid to call a spade a spade and point out that this is a war between the islamists and civilization?


Now pay attention, I can only show you this once........

<img src="">


It's the same old crap. The EU nations will hand wring and bend over backwards to ass smooch the Muslims, even going so far as to quash their own liberties to do so.

Everyone will express outrage to pacify them and re-enforce the now normal idea that the barbarians need to do is to set a few fires, behead a few innocent bystanders, blow up a few kids and then they will get nations to cower and kneel.

Why do the Dutch, French and the rest of the EU nations even give a crap?

1. Oil, just like us they know that Saudi Arabia, Iran and the rest try to pass themselves off as governments, responsible and just but in the end they are just puppets to their insurgencies.

2. Muslim infiltration. The EU countries could not care less is outraged Muslims kill themselves and chant "over there" but in recent decades immigration of Muslims into Europe has been huge. Now those countries have large Muslim components. If they don't pamper them the bombs and be headings will start in Copenhagen.


Super Genius
2ndAmendment said:
Hydrogen is the answer
Hydrogen (fuel cells) is not an energy source (unless you're splitting that hydrogen...). It's an energy storage method. Therefore, it cannot be the answer.


Super Genius
Islam: What the world i... 02-06-2006 03:08 PM For whining about it.
Whining? I'm curious why someone thinks that hydrogen is a solution to the energy problem. Since the karma was uncommented, I have no clue what your moronic self is thinking. So, how many more MPDs do you have? Let's see how much red you can give me since you can't actually come up with any arguments and discuss ideas in a rational manner.

river rat

Let me make myself clear to all. I REALize that Islam is not a "voilent" religion.
However, it does appear that the Governments of these Islamic nations either:
A. Codone voilence or
B. Can't keep the fundamentalists under control.

Do we not have our own extremists here in the good ol US.
Militia groups
Black panthers
Our Government continually keeps these groups under the nose of a watch dog.
They have been allowed certain freedoms, however they are not cut loose like a pack of hounds, to protest and "terrorize"
The point is ....that Islamic leaders have to take a turn or two at butt kissing, just like the rest of the civilized world. But, after the attacks on the Danish and Norwegian consulants no attempt to apologize or reprimand was followed
Out of some 2000 protesters, demostrators, terrorists, or whatever you want to call them, only 175 or so were arrested.
I'd like to know where they are now. What for consquences did they suffer?
If an extremist group here in SoMD went up to the Iranian embassy in DC and torched it, where would he be RIGHT NOW?
Sadly, we would probably turn him over to the Iranian govt.


river rat said:
Let me make myself clear to all. I REALize that Islam is not a "voilent" religion.
However, it does appear that the Governments of these Islamic nations either:
A. Codone voilence or
B. Can't keep the fundamentalists under control.

Do we not have our own extremists here in the good ol US.
Militia groups
Black panthers
Our Government continually keeps these groups under the nose of a watch dog.
They have been allowed certain freedoms, however they are not cut loose like a pack of hounds, to protest and "terrorize"
The point is ....that Islamic leaders have to take a turn or two at butt kissing, just like the rest of the civilized world. But, after the attacks on the Danish and Norwegian consulants no attempt to apologize or reprimand was followed
Out of some 2000 protesters, demostrators, terrorists, or whatever you want to call them, only 175 or so were arrested.
I'd like to know where they are now. What for consquences did they suffer?
If an extremist group here in SoMD went up to the Iranian embassy in DC and torched it, where would he be RIGHT NOW?
Sadly, we would probably turn him over to the Iranian govt.

Who are you arguing with?:confused:
In answer to your question. If an extremest group torched the Iranian embassy in DC, they'd probably go to jail. Why would we turn him over to the Iranian government?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Are you high???

Note to self:

Tolerate others opinions...
Be open to other ideas and thoughts...
Free Speech...
10 second rule...



Rive rat, are you stoned out of your gourd????

I REALize that Islam is not a "voilent" religion.

Ain't nobody talking about the governments; look at the people, the Arab 'street'. Look at Islamic reactions, Muslim reactions, of the people right after 9/11. Look at the Palestinians and the recent election, the landslide for Hamas.

Check out the other thread and READ the words of Irans President.

Read a few books. Connect a few dots.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
Hydrogen (fuel cells) is not an energy source (unless you're splitting that hydrogen...). It's an energy storage method. Therefore, it cannot be the answer.
Fractionation of water -> fuel source.

And I haven't given out karma in a while.
Last edited:


I can attest that River is not stoned out of their gord or drunk or anything. I too don't understand the way it was questioned so I asked for an explanation. I too know that I come off differently when I write versus being in person speaking to someone. Somehow I don't think that is what River meant, I think it just came out wrong. :lol:


river rat said:
If an extremist group here in SoMD went up to the Iranian embassy in DC and torched it, where would he be RIGHT NOW?
Sadly, we would probably turn him over to the Iranian govt.

That's exactly what would happen.

If the embassy was attacked, the attack would be "on Iranian soil", and therefore the Iranian government would have carte blanche to chop off anything and everything protruding from your body.


Larry Gude said:
look at the people, the Arab 'street'. Look at Islamic reactions, Muslim reactions, of the people right after 9/11. Look at the Palestinians and the recent election, the landslide for Hamas.

That, sir, is known as PROFILING, and we don't condone that behavior here.

Before you give out red, stick your tongue into the meat of your cheek and read it again with an twinge of sarcastic irony.