It begins....


Well-Known Member
Well it was obviously a planned event, it wasn't something they did by accident, and it wasn't an innocent act.
It was an attack on a citizen who may have plans for the Presidency and it was done to place the thought in the minds of potential voters.

Some sort of action should be done, but I am not sure a law suit would only enhance the thought and place it in more sick minds. It certainly shows the bias of a major network and that network should have to pay a heavy price for it.


Well-Known Member
Is it still considered to be a "gaffe" when the lying liar who lied about it confesses that it was a lie?


Well-Known Member

If I'm DeSantis OR Trump I sue the chit out of them and shut that whole network down.

Do you not understand the word "fiction" or what a " disclaimer".

Do you think the Dragons from Game of Thrones are real too?


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member