Yeah Right Sparky
JPC sr said:
Plus getting the war mongering Republicans out of office will end the expense of world domination and give us some peace again.
Woodrow Wilson + Democrat = WW I
FDR + Democrat = WW II
Truman + Democrat = Korea < Truman in Speech:Korea is not in our sphere of influence > N Koreans roll over 38th Parallel
FDR + OSS + WW II meant USA Supported Ho Chi Minh against Japan afterwards hope Truman would Stand Against Colonialism
U.S. Army officers stood beside him on the podium.[11] In an exultant speech, before a huge audience in Hanoi, Ho cited the U.S. Declaration of Independence. Hồ hoped that America would ally itself with a Vietnamese nationalist movement, communist or otherwise. He based this hope in part on speeches by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt opposing a revival of European colonialism.
- wiki on Vietnam
Fearing Communist Incursion in SE Asia Truman throws in with French Colonials and starts a trend of supporting South Vietnam with arms and cash
Ike (Republican) continues trend ..... Ike supports new leader in rigged elections
Kennedy + Democrat = Vietnam: widens conflict sending more troops and supplies - ARVN troops desert on massive scale US bearing Burden -
The CIA was in contact with generals planning to remove Diem. They were told that the United States would support such a move. President Diem was overthrown and executed, along with his brother, on November 2, 1963
He was succeeded by Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson, who reaffirmed America's support of South Vietnam. By the end of the year Saigon had received $500 million in military aid, much of which was lost to corruption.
Also See Bay of Pigs .....
Johnson + Democrat = Vietnam x Gulf of Tonkin Incident: Johnson widens War .... Tries to force Uncle Ho to Peace Table in Paris
Nixon + Republican = End of Vietnam Conflict - with increased bombings in Hanoi and Haiphong Harbor - gets away with sinking Russian Cargo Ship - troop draw down to 70,000 from a peak of 540,000 when he took office 4 yrs earlier ..... Kissinger and Le Duc talks drag out - suddenly Le Duc Tho gives in ......... Kissinger announces peace is at hand, Nixon Peace With Honor - Jan 1973 all active Americian participation in Vietnam Ceases - Congress Nixon argue over funds and support for Thieu after cease fire collapses in 1973 the battle rages on for the next 2 yrs Saigon falls in 1975
{(congress started medaling with the military budget back in 1970 by refusing to allocate any money that Nixon could use to widen the war) - sounds familiar doesn't it}
Carter + Democrat =Iran: Americans Held Hostage: "We can never be indifferent to the fate of freedom elsewhere, our commitment to human rights must be absolute" - from Carters Inaugural Address .... removes support to long time allies in the Cold War due to questionable Human Rights Issues - since a CIA Supported Coup in 1953 in Iran US support of the Shah had waxed and waned Ike was and avid support while Kennedy and Johnson had limited Arms Sales, Nixon and Kissinger reversed the trend with massive arms sales to stem any potential incursion by the USSR, as well as keep a voice of moderation in OPEC. In Aug 1978 the CIA issued a report Iran in the 1980's completely missing the coming Revolution. But by this stage the Shah was under attack from the Fedayeen connected to the PLO on the left and Mullahs on the right demanding an Islamic Republic and a retreat from modernism.
So contemptuous of the Shah's opponents that he made no attempt to open line of communication with them. In Jan 1979 it was so bad the Shah went on an extended vacation, never to return. 2 weeks later Khomeini returned and it was all over - Anti Americanism and hatred of the Shah held together 2 extremely divergent groups together .... Fedayeen and Mullas, in Feb 78 Carter Admin recognized the new Islamic Gov. as the US fumbled around trying to find a permenant place for the dying Shah to live out his final days.
Believing Assurances from the Iranian Gov, it could protect the US Embassy the Shah was admitted to the US, and into a NY Hospital.
Nov 1979 Enraged Students (including one Current Iranian President)
overran the Embassy in Tehran taking some 100 hostage. The Ayatollah condoned the takeover, saying "if they do not give up the criminal, then we will do what is necessary" - to Carters defense it took sometime just to get demands from the Iranians as there was no stable gov to negotiate with. Time and again Carter boxed himself in by declaring publicly the hostages were the 1st priority. Finally getting demands in Feb of 1980 it went back and forth demands for the Shah, his wealth, Iranian money frozen in western banks, the US never interfere in Iran Again, and an Apology for past interference. As the Shah went from country to country, a failed rescue attempt, on through the summer of 1980, blunder after blunder the Shah died in July of 1980 of Cancer, and still it dragged on. Baring October Surprise Conspiracy Theorists - Carter failed completely, the Hostages were released in Jan of 1981 on Carters last day in office, after promising to return 8 billion in Iranian Assets minus 5 bil for debts.
Reagan + Republican = Grenada: Stopping a Cuban / Marxist Incursion into Grenada and returning some pride to the Armed Services for a Job well done.
Out Spent the USSR in the Cold War thus bringing to a close the longest running wars in history. Ran the Soviets out of Afghanistan making it the Russian Vietnam.
No Sparky care to discuss " Republican" War Mongering ........ in the 20th Century