It Looks Warm Out There...


Just sneakin' around....
PREMO Member
... but it's not, the flowers are lying. That wind is bone chilling. Had a few things I wanted to do outside, but quickly changed my mind. I did get the ribs on the smoker and put new tag stickers on 3 vehicles. Wanted to set up a solar panel to run an experiment, but too breezy, it will blow over.


... but it's not, the flowers are lying. That wind is bone chilling. Had a few things I wanted to do outside, but quickly changed my mind. I did get the ribs on the smoker and put new tag stickers on 3 vehicles. Wanted to set up a solar panel to run an experiment, but too breezy, it will blow over.
The last time I looked at the forecast, today was the coldest day of the week, but the most sunny.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member

Electromagnetic waves are intensifying solar illumination and making the world brighter!



If I may ...
For your consideration ...

... but it's not, the flowers are lying. That wind is bone chilling. Had a few things I wanted to do outside, but quickly changed my mind. I did get the ribs on the smoker and put new tag stickers on 3 vehicles. Wanted to set up a solar panel to run an experiment, but too breezy, it will blow over.

Whachu talk'in 'bout? Looks fine outside my window.


Active Member
Meh. Still nipply out there. Was in the 30s last night too. I think
winter is giving us a last kick in the rear. Hope it doesn't hurt the
flowers that are starting to bloom.


Power with Control
Spent 15 minutes on my back trying to seat the trans cooler into the overflow bracket on the BeaterMW and it got a bit chilly.


Just sneakin' around....
PREMO Member
Went out in the garage, looked longingly at the Slingshot, decided to start it, just because. Very surprised, because it's been sitting all winter, no charger, original (2016) battery. Turned right over. :jet: Idled for a few minutes, said that's enough and went back inside.


happy to be living
I'm preparing for a sizable yard sale (Saturday) and am counting on NO RAIN since I have so much outdoors already. It was nice in the sun today but felt chilly otherwise.
Friday's temps may be warmer than today's, but I think it is going to be cloudy.
Saturday is supposed to be 74 (and I hope people don't stay home and do yard work) :lmao: