It seems like it's been an ETERNITY!!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
My Kindle crapped out on Thursday; I ordered a new one on Friday; it will arrive today.

Over the weekend I had to relearn how to read a paper book and magazine. :jameo:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
My Kindle crapped out on Thursday; I ordered a new one on Friday; it will arrive today.

Over the weekend I had to relearn how to read a paper book and magazine. :jameo:

You've been having a lot of trouble with your technology the last couple weeks.


Power with Control
I read my first paper book a month or so back after a straight year on the Kindle. found my self getting annoyed because I needed to get a booklight to read in bed and swiping to change the page required a bit more effort :) On a related note, my kindle offfered to allow vertical scrolling a month or two back, and like an ididot I jumped on it. Horrible. Unlike horizontal, where a swipe cleanly moves you a page, vertical is continuous scroll, not page, and I cant seem to fix it.....


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I have a love/hate with ebooks. I love that I can download Clive Cussler books I can’t find at the library but I hate the feeling of taking food off the table of a printer.