This Space for Rent
Numbnutz Dianne Fienstein trying to start crap with a question she knows the answer to...
So, they know where there is an Al Qaeda terrorist (her words) plotting and she wants to know if the President can order them killed? That is like asking if during World War II a German soldier was on our soil plotting an attack if the President could have them killed... THEY ARE ENEMY COMBATANTS YOU STUPID DOUCHE! If they can't capture them for interrogation then kill them... no Presidential order needed. They made war on us. Not the other way around.

So, they know where there is an Al Qaeda terrorist (her words) plotting and she wants to know if the President can order them killed? That is like asking if during World War II a German soldier was on our soil plotting an attack if the President could have them killed... THEY ARE ENEMY COMBATANTS YOU STUPID DOUCHE! If they can't capture them for interrogation then kill them... no Presidential order needed. They made war on us. Not the other way around.