Italians "get" it


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

Muslim leader petitions to have a cross taken out of his kid's classroom. Court says, "Yep, that cross has gotta go." Appeal says, "The cross stays."

The original order to take down the Christian symbol came in response to a complaint by a radical Muslim leader.

It caused widespread outrage in mainly Roman Catholic Italy, where a Fascist-era law still requires state schools to display the cross.
Catholicism plays a large role in Italian life, but the country is legally a secular state.

The law requiring state school to display the cross has never been repealed, even though it is not widely applied.

The Muslim leader had earlier asked for an Islamic symbol to be displayed alongside the crucifix, but the request was denied.

However, Mr Smith's challenge has struck a nerve in Italian society, the BBC's Frances Kennedy reports from Rome.

Even non-believers, she says, say the crucifix is part of Italian heritage as should be respected.