"It's 1240AM, you are pulled over


Power with Control
for a busted liscence plate light. What do you do, Hotshot, huh WHAT DO YOU DO!!!!!!"

Obviously, you GTFO, taking your two year old with you. Good for you, the police do NOT pursue. But due to your obvious history of making good choices, even though you are not being pursued, you decide to wring that SUV OUT, wrecking hard a couple miles down Willows. Your child is now injured in the crash that didnt have to happen. So you decide to wait and get the kid help. Maybe you take the injured child to one of the three or five nearby homes, whose lights you can see from where you crashed? Nope, you're too smart for that. You somehow get the injured child back to the small subdivision just north of Butlers place 3 miles away, where you dont call for help for three hours. I'm good with the chair or needle of round to the head for whomever this person is. You wanna run from the cops in the middle of the night and risk your life, have a blast. But dont drag kids into your criminla bullsh%$.



Power with Control
Annnnnd of course, we have the first defender. Camerons guys should be pulling that IP adress and going to see this person as i'm pretty sure they are harboring the fugitive. :)

Just listen to everyone. Jumping all over the driver just because he made a bad decision. Have you ever made a bad decision. Leave the poor guy alone. He’s a good guy that made a bad choice. Good grief.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Just listen to everyone. Jumping all over the driver just because he made a bad decision. Have you ever made a bad decision. Leave the poor guy alone. He’s a good guy that made a bad choice. Good grief. Yep, everybody is a good guy until they make a bad decision. The jails are full of bad decision makers. Machiavelli Savoy just made a bad decision......