It's all about the money


New Member
Anyone who reads today's Enterprise doesnt have to be a Mensa to see that the State is upset over anyone, but the State getting a piece of theGambling action.

It makes one wonder how much money is lining pockets in Annapolis that was placed there by the Big Money which will receive the largesse to run Marylands slots when they are made legal with Out of State operators.

Mr. Miller is worried that a few St. Mary's business are making a buck and that some County schools and non-profits are reaping a few bucks to help them in these tight budget times. He isnt against Gambling , Oh No. He just wants to see that Annapolis has their fingers in the pie. And of course our old pal Roy Dyson agrees. It wouldnt do for the Maryland program to be despoiled by St. Mary's getting some slots. IMO Mike Miller and Roy Dyson and the rest of them are not worried about gambling ,they Just want to be sure the slots go where they have already made agreements to place them.

I too am worried about corruption Mr. Miller, Mr, Dyson, but I wonder where the base of that corruption is: In St. Mary's County, or in Annapolis.

It seems the only way St. Mary's County gets any attention in Annapolis is when they are taking something away from us. Certainly they havent spent a lot of time in Looking into our needs , they are too busy sending money to Baltimore and PG County.

I might add that I dont play the slot machines and am not a proponent of Gambling,but I cannot see the Difference between Lotto, keno, A new state program with cartoon horse races, Bingo, or Texas Hold 'em or the slot machines.. Its all gambling to me .


Anyone who reads today's Enterprise doesn't have to be a Mensa to see that the State is upset over anyone, but the State getting a piece of the Gambling action.

Nope, but I saw a similar piece in the Independent while I was waiting @ CiVistia for my wife this morning ............

Miller and Company are going to come down on the illegal Video Slots? or are they poker machines, because the State is not getting its cut in the form of TAXES ........... they are going to attempt to close what ever loophole that is allowing them in now ...... of course to be replaced with State Sponsored SLOTS .... the all those non profits will lose out ... including the American Legion which gets to keep 100% of its intake since they are already NP