It's just a game...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...all the recent fuss and fury over Red Sawx pitchers drinking beer during the games has amused me no end.

They are BASEBALL players. They know what days they're gonna pitch. It is JUST a game. I don't know how they DON'T sit out in the bullpen and drink all day. I mean, for crying out loud, how many games a year does, say, an outfielder not even have a ball hit to him? He could have nothing to do out there and go 0-4 at the plate and, really, what difference does it make? It's BASEBALL, 162 games to decide who can withstand boredom the most???

Instead of pretending these two or three guys are the only people in the entire sports world that drink, I want to see an article exploring just how many guys do drink during games and who has been a big drinker through the years and how many of them are in the freaking hall of fame???

Or, the writers, sycophants, can just treat it like they did steroids and look the other way 99% of the time until it is way too far past obvious.

Here's to drinking games; :buddies:


This. ------------------>
They could put a cooler full of beer next to the base coaches. Have them hand off a can to the baserunners marathon-style as they round the bases.


I think it should be a requirement they all get drunk just before a game. It would make it far more interesting to watch.


"Fluffy world destroyer"
...all the recent fuss and fury over Red Sawx pitchers drinking beer during the games has amused me no end.

They are BASEBALL players. They know what days they're gonna pitch. It is JUST a game. I don't know how they DON'T sit out in the bullpen and drink all day. I mean, for crying out loud, how many games a year does, say, an outfielder not even have a ball hit to him? He could have nothing to do out there and go 0-4 at the plate and, really, what difference does it make? It's BASEBALL, 162 games to decide who can withstand boredom the most???

Instead of pretending these two or three guys are the only people in the entire sports world that drink, I want to see an article exploring just how many guys do drink during games and who has been a big drinker through the years and how many of them are in the freaking hall of fame???

Or, the writers, sycophants, can just treat it like they did steroids and look the other way 99% of the time until it is way too far past obvious.

Here's to drinking games; :buddies:
Would you allow your emplloyees to drink on the job? Well, that is what they did right? I mean. it's their livelyhood right? It's where they work and make an income? They are also seen by a lot of kids as role modles. I find a problem with it but it doesn't affect me so I don't really care.


Would you allow your emplloyees to drink on the job? Well, that is what they did right? I mean. it's their livelyhood right? It's where they work and make an income? They are also seen by a lot of kids as role modles. I find a problem with it but it doesn't affect me so I don't really care.

Perhaps there are some jobs where getting drunk should be an option.

We take sports way too seriously.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Would you allow your emplloyees to drink on the job? Well, that is what they did right? I mean. it's their livelyhood right? It's where they work and make an income? They are also seen by a lot of kids as role modles. I find a problem with it but it doesn't affect me so I don't really care.

No. And I wouldn't pay them to sit in a bull pen all day and watch everyone else work. Nor would I pay them to work every 7-10 days. Nor is what we do in any way a boys game.