It's not about divorce.... it's about "sluts"!


Well-Known Member
Matthew 5:31 “It has been said, ‘Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.’[f] 32 But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.
OK.... Now this was, in my opinion, the jab a Herod who was married to ex-brother-in-law's ex-wife. Her name was Herodias and she conspired with her slutty daughter [Herod's step daughter] to have John the Baptist beheaded because John called her a whore and told them to "Repent".

Jesus was upset about John being beheaded. John was His cousin. John's mother, Elizabeth, was related to Mary, the mother of Jesus. So..... even though Herodias, no doubt, had her papers in order....Herodias was still a slut.

Wives were property.... like a car or a cow or a dog.... wives belonged to the man for life.... they were engaged for forever.... so they could prove they weren't pregnant with another man's baby.... and then they were married for life.

If a man died, under Jewish Law, a relative had to take her in as his own property.... women could be inherited..... so to speak.

So when a woman was given a divorce.... it was a huge deal. Women had no income. Women were not capable of survival on their own.

Herodias had been married to Herod's ex-brother-in-law..... Herod himself was divorced..... so two divorcees married each other..... and they were so sleazy.... Herodias had Salome, her daughter from the first marriage, do a seductive interlude with Herod and his buddies.

So the ladies in the church teach this as a warning about divorce. They raise us to understand that divorce is a horrid thing. We should be good women, good wives, and treat our men right. When, in fact, contrary to what the prim and proper teach, in my opinion it was a direct dig at Herod and Herodias and Salome. Jesus didn't have much use for whores and whoremongers. Jesus didn't like Herod anymore than John the Baptist did.

I see this more of a "you pigs couldn't even get divorce right"! Jesus didn't tell them to "Repent" as John had.... Jesus just called them ignorant.

Jews did get divorced, don't get me wrong..... there were lots of laws written on the topic..... so it had to be somewhat active. Herod, Herodias, and Salome didn't care about Jewish law.... they were Roman Occupiers. Rome had invaded Jerusalem.... and Herod was the Roman assigned to Galilee. Romans had different ideas of marriage and divorce. I think this is a dig.... a well thought out insult to the people responsible for the beheading of the cousin of Jesus.... the Christ.

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