It's Time To Wake Up - Alan Watts on Religion


Well-Known Member
For your consideration ...

Some thing to think about . . . . . .

Its all a myth written by people that had nothing to do and to much time on their hands and did not understand the world or what was going on around them at that time.
The real truth if you must know is that we all are an experiment put on this planet by aliens that come back every now then and abduct a few of us and do test on us,after the disk was recovered at Roswell and the 1 surviving alien telepathically told one of the Govt' senators this information the Govt' decided not to tell the population because of the mass hysteria it would cause from the religous populace that believe in God,and to this day we have not been able to reverse engineer their craft.
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Well-Known Member
Its all a myth written by people that had nothing to do and to much time on their hands and did not understand the world or what was going on around them at that time, then some of them figured out it was a way to get the others to feed them.
A little edit on my part.