ITT We discuss porn

Is porn good or bad?

  • Good

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • Bad

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Dont know/Care

    Votes: 5 33.3%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Ashcroft has been fighting the pornography industry on many fronts, one of which is the internet... He is trying to make porn much more difficult to obtain not just for minors but for everyone in general. He wants limit the porn industry in every way possible, he even has jobs set up for people to brows the internet searching for porn in which he can try to say is innapropriate. The question: is porn good or bad? I feel it is good, Ide rather have ak it looking at porn than going out and looking for a hooker... That is just me though.


You shut down porn sites and limit access and ISP's are gonna jack up prices.

That said. I think all porn sites should have a beginning IP address of porn:\\ vices http:\\ that way you could limit everything and users could block it easily with the right software.


Originally posted by dustin
You shut down porn sites and limit access and ISP's are gonna jack up prices.

That said. I think all porn sites should have a beginning IP address of porn:\\ vices http:\\ that way you could limit everything and users could block it easily with the right software.

That is a great idea. :clap: Right off the bat they are classified.


Asperger's Poster Child
Or use *.sex, or replace the O in *.com with a U (yuk yuk).

What's the reasoning for making it more difficult to obtain? Ashcroft seems somewhat extreme in his religious beliefs, so maybe he's basing his actions on a personal belief that onanism is inherently sinful.
I have no problem if adults want to obtain porn, and I don't see the logic of making it more difficult to obtain just for the hell of it. There are reasonable ways of doing that without forcing the stuff on people who don't want it or allowing children to see it.


Originally posted by Tonio
Or use *.sex, or replace the O in *.com with a U (yuk yuk).

What's the reasoning for making it more difficult to obtain? Ashcroft seems somewhat extreme in his religious beliefs, so maybe he's basing his actions on a personal belief that onanism is inherently sinful.
I have no problem if adults want to obtain porn, and I don't see the logic of making it more difficult to obtain just for the hell of it. There are reasonable ways of doing that without forcing the stuff on people who don't want it or allowing children to see it.

Exactly what i was saying. Adults are that...adults...

if someone can figger out a solution from keeping minors from viewing it I'm all for that.

Teens and kids are gonna get it regardless. But that doesnt mean we can't try something. As I stated by grouping them all into one type of IP addy then it would be fairly easy to monitor all the sites. And if one did pop up elsewhere it would be fairly easy to shut it down.

The hard thing would be getting the international web community to follow these guidelines...


Active Member
As stated if you changed the DNS protocol prefix or suffix of all porn sites then it would be very easy for anyone to access these sites...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
One problem: overseas porn vendors. US law won't have any effect on them and is therefore useless.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by vraiblonde
One problem: overseas porn vendors. US law won't have any effect on them and is therefore useless.

Should we get the UN involved? :neener:


Originally posted by vraiblonde
One problem: overseas porn vendors. US law won't have any effect on them and is therefore useless.


Originally posted by dustin
The hard thing would be getting the international web community to follow these guidelines...


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by vraiblonde
One problem: overseas porn vendors. US law won't have any effect on them and is therefore useless.

Here's one solution--IP addresses are specific by country. Can browser filters be configured to screen out all the non-US ones?

From September 2002:

The officer asked if the U.S. military could do one simple thing to guard the data on its websites. "Sure," I said. "DISA knows the IP addresses assigned to every hostile country. You could go a long way if you blocked them completely."

He looked stunned. "You mean we don't do it already?" Nope.


Active Member
Originally posted by Tonio
Here's one solution--IP addresses are specific by country. Can browser filters be configured to screen out all the non-US ones?

From September 2002:
censorship and there are wayys around them(proxy)... You could modify your browser or you could just not use internet explorer *gasp*

not using IE wouldnt be a loss, you would get MUCH MUCH less spyware, fewer popups and have a more secure browser (i know this because i dont use IE)...

and the

porn:// think wouldnt work because you would have to create a new protocol....for porn specificaly and there is no sense in doing that since they dont need one...

http is a protocol http://
ftp is a protocol ftp://
telnet is a protocol telnet://

there are many of them


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by Spoiled
not using IE wouldnt be a loss, you would get MUCH MUCH less spyware, fewer popups and have a more secure browser (i know this because i dont use IE)...

A plug for Mozilla and its offspring, Netscape 7. I like the concept of opening additional pages in tabs instead of new windows. And both browsers have much better controls over cookies. Opera is good too, but I hate the huge banner ad above the toolbar.


Active Member
Originally posted by Tonio
A plug for Mozilla and its offspring, Netscape 7. I like the concept of opening additional pages in tabs instead of new windows. And both browsers have much better controls over cookies. Opera is good too, but I hate the huge banner ad above the toolbar.
Firefox is <3


Enjoying life!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
One problem: overseas porn vendors. US law won't have any effect on them and is therefore useless.

US laws are not necessarily the issue, nor is compliance with them. The real issue is convincing the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to create the additional "porn:\\" protocol or ".sex" domain. The latter is much easier than the former.

However, without compelling reasons to do this, the W3C bears no obligation to segregate adult content from general web content. The W3C is not looking to be the "police" of the Internet.

Maybe the UN should make the W3C comply.


I just wish the Japaneese porn would quit coming to my work email address. Even before I logged into my NMCI email it was full of porn. I think EDS sold a bunch of addresses to porn companies.