
Larry Gude

Strung Out
Jets, Jets, JETS!!!

Wanna see some d fense? Watch Buddy's boy and his Jets.

They say to the best QB in the game; "If you're gonna beat us, you got about 2 1/2 seconds to make your mind up and get rid of it or we are going to bury your azz."

Wow. Jets 16, Pats 9


Larry Gude

Strung Out
I agree. I was waiting for then to throw a screen to a RB but they never did.


One of the commentators was talking about the complete absence of Faulk in the game, offensively, because they were max protecting so much.

The NFL has a real problem on the horizon. It is a quarterback league and promoted as such but, when great defenses arise, the common denominator is they beat the crap out of quarterbacks. If Brady starts screening, he's going to take more hits.

The Steelers, the Pats, the Ravens, the Giants already, then, to some extent the Cowboys, perhaps the Redskins this season and now the Jets. That's a lot of teams that beat up quarterbacks.

Peter Forsberg

New Member

One of the commentators was talking about the complete absence of Faulk in the game, offensively, because they were max protecting so much.

The NFL has a real problem on the horizon. It is a quarterback league and promoted as such but, when great defenses arise, the common denominator is they beat the crap out of quarterbacks. If Brady starts screening, he's going to take more hits.

The Steelers, the Pats, the Ravens, the Giants already, then, to some extent the Cowboys, perhaps the Redskins this season and now the Jets. That's a lot of teams that beat up quarterbacks.
It even gets worse when teams get behind and the Def knows your going to throw the ball.