J. F. Kerry and the Purple Hearts: How they got me out of Vietnam


Dancing Up A Storm
J. F. Kerry: Purple Hearts
:rolleyes: Purple Hearts: Three and Out

Democratic presidential nominee in waiting Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) frequently speaks of courage, brotherhood and responsibility when he mentions his brief service in Vietnam. He took Super-8 home movies there in which he staged heroics in full-battle dress, so that later he might use them for campaign ads.
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Notice the picture in that article.... and notice the following "separated at birth" image.


Eerie, ennit?


Asperger's Poster Child
John Kerry, Lionel Richie and Celine Dion walked into a bar, and the bartender asked, "Hey, why the long faces?"


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by I12BLuvedBayou
I don't think its very nice of you guys to make fun of a war hero.

War hero?? :killingme or maybe thats sarcasm.:confused: ...either way, thats hilarious


Not dead yet.
Originally posted by I12BLuvedBayou
I don't think its very nice of you guys to make fun of a war hero.

Yeah, flying congressmen around New England is really hazardous duty!:rolleyes:

It's almost enough to make me want to toss replicas of my medals at the white house, er, maybe they were the real ones, heck I can't even stay one way or the other on that either. - J F'ing Kerry.

This guy has voted both ways on so many things so many times that it is impossible to say that could lead because he stands for everything and nothing at all.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by I12BLuvedBayou
I don't think its very nice of you guys to make fun of a war hero.

Yes, who can forget Celine Dion's valiant efforts at the Battle of Winnipeg? :lol:


Dancing Up A Storm
J. F. Kerry and his war records.....

First he says he will release his records, then he says he will not....
Perhaps he misunderstood the question?

However, I have read interviews in which Kerrys' commanding officers say they refused to upchain one, if not two of his Purple Heart requests, because they were not deemed worthy of attention; ie., in that they were mere scratches and didn't qualify for the medal.

The way I look at it, he is a questionable "war hero".:frown:


Sorry about that chief.
I guess his records ended up in the same place as dumbya's war records-oh I mean attendance records-oh medical records-pay records. Well at least Kerry's CO knew he was there:biggrin:


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by jlabsher
I guess his records ended up in the same place as dumbya's war records-oh I mean attendance records-oh medical records-pay records. Well at least Kerry's CO knew he was there:biggrin:

Maybe we should settle the 2004 election like "The Apprentice," and have both Bush and Kerry go through three months of Navy SEAL or Special Forces training.


Sorry about that chief.
They can join Tiger Woods.

Actually isn't 9 months of electioneering worse torture than special forces training? The grueling physical demands of hotels and fast food, the mental demands of having every nuance, figure of speech and iota of your personal history analyzed ad-nauseum? I'd rather go through boot camp again at my age than that!


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by jlabsher
Actually isn't 9 months of electioneering worse torture than special forces training? The grueling physical demands of hotels and fast food, the mental demands of having every nuance, figure of speech and iota of your personal history analyzed ad-nauseum? I'd rather go through boot camp again at my age than that!

True. The electioneering is also worse for the American voter, who has to endure lies, distortion, spin, personal attacks, coded appeals to prejudice, and other BS. That's from both the candidates and the pundits.


Not dead yet.
Originally posted by Toxick
Kerry is about as big a war hero as Bush is.

At least Bush isn't using his time in the service as some sort of special badge of honor. He was in, he did his service, now he's out. (unless you count the whole CIC thing).

With Kerry his service in Vietnam is like 1/3 of his campaign with the other two thirds being "Bush sucks" and "I'm not Bush." There's a visionary leader.:rolleyes:


Super Genius
They finally released the records. Here's an article about it:


They show Kerry had shrapnel wounds in his left thigh after his boat came under intense fire on Feb. 20, 1969, and he suffered shrapnel wounds in his left buttock and contusions on his right forearm when a mine detonated close to his boat on March 13, 1969.

The campaign could not locate a similar report for Kerry's original Purple Heart. As evidence that Kerry was wounded, campaign spokesman Michael Meehan showed The Associated Press a "Sick Call Treatment Record" from Kerry's personal files that included a brief written note dated Dec. 3, 1968, and stamped from the naval support facility at Cam Ranh Bay.

"Shrapnel in left arm above elbow. Shrapnel removed and appl bacitracin dressing. Ret to Duty," it said. The note is followed by a signature that appears to say "JCCarreon" and some illegible letters that Meehan said probably designate the medical official's rank.

Meehan said the campaign would allow a reporter to see the record at the campaign's headquarters, but not take a copy. He said it would not be made available to the public because Kerry considers it a private medical record.

Documentation for the other two injuries shows that Kerry was deemed to be in good condition and returned to active duty after treatment. The documentation does not describe the severity of the injuries.
Still sounds fishy to me...