

This Space for Rent
My little munchkin had a great time with your little muchkin...

Funny thing... She tells us on the way home about how the other little ones wouldn't talk to her when she first got there so (her words here), "I told myself to not be shy and I talked to (your munchkin) and then we talked" Then she had a good time. :lol:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
FromTexas said:
My little munchkin had a great time with your little muchkin...

Funny thing... She tells us on the way home about how the other little ones wouldn't talk to her when she first got there so (her words here), "I told myself to not be shy and I talked to (your munchkin) and then we talked" Then she had a good time. :lol:


Be about it
:lmao: Ya'll are a mess!! I'm glad that she had a good time! My girls had a great time as well...I can't believe that the babe stayed awake the entire time! :shocking:


This Space for Rent
JabbaJawz said:
:lmao: Ya'll are a mess!! I'm glad that she had a good time! My girls had a great time as well...I can't believe that the babe stayed awake the entire time! :shocking:

Poor momma. :huggy:

I bet she sleeps in tomorrow.


This Space for Rent
JabbaJawz said:
I'm just thankful that she was pleasant and not whiney/b*tchy the entire time!

She'd better!!! Or else...:killingme

Enjoy your sleep! I think I need some to. I think both D and I were getting loopey at the end of that last game. Night! :howdy: