January SCOOP Publication Coming Soon


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Staff member
PREMO Member
The January 2013 Charles County Department of Community Services issue of The SCOOP will be available online at Department of Community Services | www.charlescountymd.gov on Tuesday, Dec. 21. Printed copies of the SCOOP will also be available at your local senior center starting on Tuesday, Dec. 21.

The SCOOP contains news, special events, and trips. This issue features a Lucky 13 Casino & Spa Party, Living Well: Chronic Disease Self-Management Program and a Wintertime Brunch & Fashion Show.

The Indian Head Senior Center will be hosting a Lucky 13 Casino & Spa Party on Thursday, Dec. 17, from 10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. It's opening day at the Lucky 13 Spa and Casino. Bring your casino chips and give gambling a try. Enjoy the music of Andi and Chyp as they perform some of their big hits. It's no "Seacret" about the spa which offers soothing minerals from the dead-sea. You can even receive courtesy spa services. There are morning and afternoon appointments available, so be sure to sign up as space is limited. The fee is $5 and the deadline to register is Friday, Jan. 11.

Indian Head Senior Center will be offering a Living Well: Chronic Disease Self-Management Program. If you suffer from a chronic condition such as diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease, chronic pain or anxiety, this workshop can help you take control of your life again. Learn how to deal with pain and fatigue, and how to make better nutrition and exercise choices. Learn to communicate effectively with your physician and try new techniques to deal with stress. This is a free workshop and will be held each Tuesday from 9:30 a.m. - noon for six weeks starting on Jan. 22 and is open to adults and care givers with chronic conditions.

The Waldorf Senior Center will be hosting a Wintertime Brunch & Fashion Show on Wednesday, Jan. 23 from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. You can have lunch with your friends and then enjoy the famous fashion show, with our very own friends as the models. The apparel is brought to us by TaylorMarie's mobile retail clothing store. They provide fashionable women's clothing and accessories from respected, high quality brands at low prices. You will have the chance to shop from over twenty racks of up-to-date clothing. This particular show will feature all items marked at 50% off. The fee is $3 and the deadline to register is Thursday, Jan. 17.

For information on events offered by the Department of Community Services, visit Department of Community Services | www.charlescountymd.gov, or call 301-934-9305 or 301-870-3388. Citizens with special needs may contact the Maryland Relay Service at 711, or Relay Service TDD: 800-735-2258.