Jedi Communications SUCKS


New Member
Thought I'd share with everyone my recent experience with having a satellite dish upgraded by DirecTV via Jedi Communications.

First off, my house is wired very specifically. I worked with engineers at Eagle-Aspen and wired it to this spec The technician sees it and can't figure it out. Makes all kinds of derogatory remarks about it, "who the hell did this", "why would you do that", etc. I explain that I had worked with Eagle-Aspen, to which he replied "who are they, I've never heard of them, but they obviously don't know what they're talking about". Anyway, the technician then installed the 5 LNB dish (an Eagle-Aspen by the way), and during install asked if I was going to have any other HD receivers. I told him that some day I'd probably put one in my master bedroom. He informed me that, for $50, he would run that line for me. My house is already wired to the hilt, and two lines already exist in that room for an existing Tivo receiver. He would only be pulling wire 15 feet, to connect to my existing grid. I told him that I'd give him $20 for saving me the hassle of going on the roof, and I'd terminate the inside wire myself. He said there's no way he'd do it for less than $40, so I told him I'd handle it myself. I hear the tech tell his assistant, "he's crazy for not having me install the second line". He then tells me "don't you mess up my dish after I leave, I get $70 for a service call". We then proceed downstairs to the HD receiver to verify the signal strength. In the process, he looks at my TV (Panasonic 50" HD Plasma) and asks, "Is that a plasma?" I respond "yes", he then proceeds to inform me "plasmas are crap, I have a LCD". I don't recall asking his opinion, what a great representative of DirecTV this guy is.

Anyway, after he leaves, I decide to go ahead and wire the other two incoming lines. I get on my roof to see what needs to be done. First off, the dish is all wobbly. I realize that none of the nuts are screwed down hard. So my first task is to tighten all of his connections. His installation had the 4 feeds coming off of the 5LNB head, down the inside of the arm, then coming out the back of the dish. Two wires (the two he was under contract to install), then went to a grounding block, and on into the attic. The other two were just looped up and stuck down the mounting pole. I pulled these two out, put new ends on them and ran them into the house. After attaching to my receiver, I had no (zero) signal. I messed around, still nothing. I got out on the roof, no problems, so I (reluctantly) pull off the LNB head. Both wires in question are attached, so I close it back up. Mess around with it a bit more, then decide to swap the non-working wires with the working ones (i.e. attach my bedroom to the two wires coming from the dish that I know work. Sure enough, I have signal. Now the only possibility is the two wires that he DIDN'T install (i.e. the ones he tried to milk me $50 for). I pull the LNB head off again, and this time disconnect the two wires he had stuck in the mounting pole earlier, to find that he had actually clipped the center conductor out of both wires. I contacted DirecTV 3 times to complain about his sabotage, was informed once that a message had gone off to his company and I'd be hearing from his boss, but of course, that call never came.

Of course, I can't speak for all of Jedi Communications, but this is enough for me such that whenever I call DirecTV to send a tech, I'll be sure to tell them to NOT send Jedi.

On a side note, a tech from Direct Sat just showed up to finish some other work (since I told DTV to NOT send Jedi), they were professional, curteous, and knowledgable. Not a hard choice next time I call...


Disco Stu

Shut Up Little Man!!!!
I thought the word Jedi was a trademark of LucasArts? I smell a trademark infringement lawsuit here.

May the force be with you. :popcorn:


Peter Forsberg said:
Are you really suggesting someone get Metrocrap cable? You obviously don't have metrocrap cable.

no i have comcrap! :lmao:


Thats how them b*tch's R
We bought the whole system from Direct TV the first year they were in business. We had it approx up until about 3 yrs ago and the sattellite finally went. Called DTV, decided we would get the DVR, etc. They sent Jedi out to install. They were pretty nice guys. The house was originally set up for cable so all we did was connect the satt. to the existing coax cable. Ever since Jedi installed out system I bet we have gone thru nothing less than 5 DVR's which nobody at DTV can explain. I think they messed the wiring up. Next time we need them to come out, it will be DTV not Jedi.


Well-Known Member
Wow another horror story with Jedi, I had very bad experience with them also last month. Switched from Comcast (got really tired of them raising rates every month), Jedi's tech comes out checks out what needs to be done and starts the job, he also uses the same cable that was already there except one room.
I tell him where I'd like to have the dish placed on the roof to somewhat hide it from view, I go inside for just a bit and come out and he's already placing the dish on the roof, already has the brackets secured to the roof and not where I had asked, but just over the peak of the roof, backside I had asked for it to be lower down toward the gutters, he tells me he wasn't getting good signal there, and where he put it he was getting good signal. Then he had to run another cable into the house for the HD reciever, this one in the family room, he starts drilling from the inside out beside the other cable, first bit too short to get through the brick and block, drywall and paneling, he gets another longer bit, finally gets through after some difficulty, in process he nicks the other cable that Comcast had installed, that he was going to use so he had to replace that cable. The one room he had to run wire to was on opposite side of house, so he runs a wire from the dish across the roof to the far corner of the roof, then he needs to drill hole in the floor and out through the overhang (split-foyer house) again he has difficult time.
Bottom line after being there for 6 hours, normal install is about 2 hours, he leaves, besides the dish not being where I would have liked, I have not one but two holes the in the paneling one the size of a fifty cent piece the other about nickel size, he tried to cover with a couple of black plastic cover thingie's, in the soffit covering the overhang I have about 5 small holes from the numerous attempts to get the cable through, he does but a little bit of silicone around couple of the holes, on the roof the cable across to the far side has alot a slack and is sticking up in couple of places. He also didnot hook back up the DVD players and VCR when he was done just his recievers.
On Monday I contact Directv about sloppy install through email, they get right back to me and call and said they would send someone out, I ask not to have Jedi come back. Well the guy who came out was very nice and said he was tired of having to come out and fix this person work, his truck was unmarked so I thought it was another contractor turns out he was also from Jedi. He corrected what he could, put plate on the paneling which covered the holes and ran the wires through that, siliconed the holes in the soffit and took the slack out of the wire across the roof and secured it. He said the dish could be moved that where it was and where I wanted it to be, should not have mattered about the signal, but the only thing about moving it I would have holes in the roof and he only has silicone to patch, and over time the silicone may not hold up from the heat, so the dish stayed where it was installed. The roof is about 20 years old so when I replace it in a few years, Ill move the dish then.
The guy who came out and fixed everything was really apologizing for the work the other guy did.
Im very happy with my Directv service, but think they need to check out who they contract with to do the install.


New Member
Yeah, they are pretty bad. Drilled holes in my walls where they shouldn't go. I have black wires hanging down in viewable sight, right in the front of my house. What's funny is that they thought they did a good job. I complained to DirecTV and they sent out the same exact guy to fix his mistake, and low and behold he showed up with an attitude. Then the supervisor came to the home and said that the job looked pretty "stand-up". All I could think was, "What planet do these people live in?" Do you see the wires dangling down in the front of my house? The man even drilled into the hot water heater when I warned him that he would hit it. Even his helper said that he would hit it. If I can find the pics that I took of the job that they did, I will attach them later.


Well-Known Member
I always have problems with DirecTV. The first time I had it installed, they did it incorrectly. Had to wait a week for them to come out and fix the problem (faulty parts). It never even worked from day 1. So anyways, fast forward a year. I moved, so they came out to hook it up at the new place. All they had to do was install 2 receivers. The one in the bedroom worked, but the one in the living room didn't. I called them to come back out and check it. It took them ONE MONTH to get someone out to fix it. They kept saying they were booked. :rolleyes:

They gave me free movie channels for 3 months...then I called back to tell them I wanted to cancel (which I didn't but I wanted to get more free stuff). So, they offered more movie channels. I told them all their movie channels sucked and I wanted something else. So, they upgraded us to the premium package and lowered our monthly bill so we're getting the best package for the cheapest price. I might just keep them for the year and cancel...I don't want to get charged their cancellation fee.


Come Play at BigWoodys
I used AVX Audio Video Experts to wire up the new house. These guys did a killer job including surround sound in the walls and ceiling for my family room.


New Member
I almost worked for them, that guy who owns it is a jerk. Plus, the guys work hard but are trained very poorly.