Manchin’s kind of in the drivers seat here, Joe can’t really touch him because he’s in an R state which wants him to vote this way.
I expect the next step will be a bunch of plain old folks will inundate the state to explain to the hill yokels how much money they personally can expect if Manchin were to change his vote. And don’t put it past them to go with all out bribery here either, we’ll put a rider in the bill that every taxpayer in WVA gets a $5K check for monitoring their tire air pressure.
You have a whole party claiming they plan to eliminate coal - and a state that is the second leading provider of coal and it is the largest industry in the state, where one in six dollars generated comes from coal. It really wouldn't matter if Manchin was Communist - he's going to stick up for them. THAT is actually what Senators and Representatives are
supposed to do, rather than vote with a party. Washington was right about them.
But this is like those football games where they
blame the loss on the missed field goal in the last seconds of the game. And I always respond with "damn, you guys had three hours to beat the crap out of these pissants - and you think the KICKER lost the game?". ALL THEY NEEDED to do to pass BBB was persuade ONE Republican. And the Senate is RIFE with Republicans willing to join them. In an extremely rare event - the HOUSE Republicans all voted against it. ALL that was needed was to toss them a bone, and they wouldn't do it.
Think of it - they were able to get Republicans to vote to impeach Trump - but they couldn't get ONE to vote for BBB?