Jeremiah 45 It's not about you


Well-Known Member
Jeremiah 45:1 When Baruch son of Neriah wrote on a scroll the words Jeremiah the prophet dictated in the fourth year of Jehoiakim son of Josiah king of Judah, Jeremiah said this to Baruch: 2 “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says to you, Baruch: 3 You said, ‘Woe to me! The Lord has added sorrow to my pain; I am worn out with groaning and find no rest.’ 4 But the Lord has told me to say to you, ‘This is what the Lord says: I will overthrow what I have built and uproot what I have planted, throughout the earth. 5 Should you then seek great things for yourself? Do not seek them. For I will bring disaster on all people, declares the Lord, but wherever you go I will let you escape with your life.’”
That's it..... the whole scripture for today. Short and sweet..... well not sweet.... it's actually quite horrible..... but it's short.

This is from

God said unto him, "This is no time for you to prosper. You will have to be satisfied that I will save your life". Baruch would probably have to move about from place to place because of the people's hatred of him. There would not be good times for anyone, even Jeremiah. A prophet usually suffers some of the hardships of the people they prophesy to.

This is from

Here's a listing of the last kings of Judah to give you a little perspective:
  • Josiah 640 - 609 (the last good king)
  • Jehoahaz 609 - 609 (Josiah’s third son, usually called Shallum - bad king - 3-month rule)
  • Jehoiakim 609 - 598 (Josiah's second son - puppet king who never really had a chance)
  • Jehoiachin 598 - 597 (Jehoiakim's son - puppet king who never really had a chance)
  • Zedekiah 597 - 586 (Josiah's son - his original name was Mattaniah - puppet king up to the fall of Jerusalem)
Let's turn back the clock now to the 4th year of the reign of Jehoiakim when Jeremiah had Baruch transcribe his prophecy concerning the fall of Jerusalem and take it to the officials of Jerusalem and read it (Jeremiah 36). That takes this prophecy back to 605 B.C.
Baruch came from a well-connected political family. Working for Jeremiah didn't enhance his political standing. You will recall that as Baruch's scroll was finally read to King Jehoiakim himself, the king had the pages burned in his fireplace as they were being read. So, on this occasion, you may wonder what Baruch was thinking through all of this. Well, here's a short recap from Baruch's perspective in verse 3. This prophecy from Jeremiah indicates that there will be no smooth sailing for Baruch's future. However, rather than poor mouthing about his situation, Baruch is told to recognize how much sorrow Judah’s sins must have brought to God; he should not seek "great things" for himself; his life will be spared.
This little tidbit comes from

Baruch happens to be the only man from the Old Testament who has been fingerprinted. In 1975 a group of archaeologists purchase some clay document markers from an Arab antiquities dealer. The archaeologists did not decipher the markers – which were the bookmarks of the ancient world – until 1986. When they did, they discovered that one of them bears the seal of Baruch son of Neriah. Since then, another document marker has been discovered that bears not only Baruch’s seal, but also a thumbprint, very probably the thumbprint of the scribe himself.” (Ryken)​
The world was falling apart around them, and while they had been protected to this point, they still suffered. No golden age had dawned yet. There seemed to be nothing to build on, and the future looked darker rather than brighter. The present and future seemed dark and depressing.
Baruch was an educated man, qualified as a secretary, whose brother was an officer of high rank under Zedekiah. He may have entertained hopes of some distinction in the nation. But whatever ‘great things’ he sought for himself were forfeited by his loyal support of Jeremiah.” (Thompson)​

They had been telling people that horrors were going to happen. They warned people there would be war.... famine.... and sickness. They warned people to surrender..

There had to come a time when the food was running short and the people were dying from disease and war injuries...... when Baruch would look around and say.... "but wait.... this is happening to me too!" To which God had to reply.... "suck it up Baruch..... it's not about you."

I heard there's a new rich preacher on the screen. Kanye West has joined Joel Olsteen in Texas. I wonder.... how long will it be before either of them feels the pain of the poor and wretched? Baruch was a man from a politically established family. He came from money and status..... and when the prophecy of demise started.... he had to suffer too.... even though he worked for God.... he had to suffer too.

Oh and I wonder.... did I hear God telling Baruch "this is going to hurt me a whole lot more than it's going to hurt you".
