Jesse at the mic...


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member

This might be interesting.


All day I was waiting for a phone call back from someone I left a message for. And when is the person able to call me back??! RIGHT as Bill O is ready to cover this story! ARG! :lol: So I missed it. All I've caught are the blurbs on the news.

But dang, is it ever interesting what these guys are doing to themselves!

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...a bunch of bull####! That was a setup to help distance Obama from people like Jackson and Fox fell for it.




New Member
...a bunch of bull####! That was a setup to help distance Obama from people like Jackson and Fox fell for it.



I like your theory, but I don't think so - I mean, think about it, a half white half black educated man who is about to be president? I bet that just burns Jesse's butt. After all, Obama couldn't possibly understand the 'plight' of the REAL black man....

Maybe its not too late, instead of the FCC switching us to HDTV bands coming up they can switch us to ALL Black TV. TV will have only two colors, Black and Brown.... then Jesse, the world would be OK.


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
...a bunch of bull####! That was a setup to help distance Obama from people like Jackson and Fox fell for it.



this is a hell of a way for a candidate who preaches peace and communication to rid himself of worthless baggage. how many friends and relatives does he and his campaign team believe they can throw under the bus before people start saying , "WTF?"

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If anyone...

this is a hell of a way for a candidate who preaches peace and communication to rid himself of worthless baggage. how many friends and relatives does he and his campaign team believe they can throw under the bus before people start saying , "WTF?"

...thinks Jesse Jackson, who makes his living in front of cameras and EVER present microphones, that are ALWAYS on, didn't know damn well what he was doing, you're kidding yourself.

This isn't Obama throwing anyone under a bus; this is designed to make blue color Democrats a little more at ease with Obama by distancing him a bit, publicly, from Jackson. Clinton did the same with the Sister Soulja bit.


I heard something on the radio this morning that said Jesse was blaming the media for his comments getting out because he thought the mic was off


Well-Known Member
You don't seriously believe Obammy will file for divorce before the election, do you?

No, I was expecting the PC language police to remind us that "throw under the bus" means to scapegoat someone or for someone to take a hit for the team, either intentionally or not.

It doesn't mean "kick to the curb" .

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I like your theory, but I don't think so - I mean, think about it, a half white half black educated man who is about to be president? I bet that just burns Jesse's butt. After all, Obama couldn't possibly understand the 'plight' of the REAL black man....
Maybe its not too late, instead of the FCC switching us to HDTV bands coming up they can switch us to ALL Black TV. TV will have only two colors, Black and Brown.... then Jesse, the world would be OK.

...what? Jackson isn't running. Obama is. The ONLY help Jackson can render to Obama is 'legitimizing' him. There isn't a person in the world who would be receptive to Jacksons suggestions who isn't already voting Obama. Obama would then be in position to do all sorts of little favors for Jesse to say thank you later.


Well-Known Member
I heard something on the radio this morning that said Jesse was blaming the media for his comments getting out because he thought the mic was off

Figures. Was the mike off when he made his "Hymietown" remark?

Ironically, this won't hurt Jesse, because people who don't like him won't be surprised, and people who do will let it slide. Clinton had a lot of off-mike nasty remarks about *Jesse* back in '92, and nothing ever came of it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I heard something on the radio this morning that said Jesse was blaming the media for his comments getting out because he thought the mic was off

...uh huh. Jesse Jackson, Mr. Media, went to FOX news studios and didn't expect the toilets to be wired for sound. Sure.



...a bunch of bull####! That was a setup to help distance Obama from people like Jackson and Fox fell for it.

That's exactly what I thought when I heard it. In fact, I thought it was pretty friggin transparent, and I was wondering if anyone with half a brain actually fell for it.

Although, I have to admit, the 'cut his nuts off' comment was a nice touch.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
...a bunch of bull####! That was a setup to help distance Obama from people like Jackson and Fox fell for it.



Now, that *is* an interesting thought. This morning on F & F I heard them say Bill O said there was a lot more to this open mike stuff - but that they werent trying to hose (my word) Jackson - just that they felt this was newsworthy, so they released just the minimum.*

I never heard Bill O's stuff last night -why and for whom was JJ doing this interview? Was it Bill O? Because I heard Shepard Smith say on his show last night that Bill was going to be doing the "exclusive" on the rest of the info. So did Bill say there was a lot more they didn't show?

It is highly suspicious that JJ would do this - he's one of the biggest media tramps there is.

But then again, stranger things have happened in this election cycle.


NOT Politically Correct!!
Don't worry Jessy, next time just apply the shoe polish right to your lips for a quality shine!!! :lmao:

I do support your nut pulling on NObama though...:coffee: