Jets vs. Pats Thursday!


New Member
As a Dolphin fan this decision is very hard for me to make :ohwell:

I'm also a Dolphin fan and this team is def. a contender to win the AFC East. If it wasn't for that fluke Brett Crap pass on opening day, we would be 6-3. I can't stand Favre. His ego gets the best of him. Either way, these two teams will face the Dolphins which will determine who wins the AFC East. The bills are fading.


New Member
The fins look sharp, but I don't think they have what it takes to win the AFC East. I believe the Jets play the fins in the last game of the season. The one to watch is the Jets vs. Titans.


Football addict
Wow. Just wow.

The Jets score a TD so that leaves the Pats with less than a minute to score a TD to tie it up.

Pats go down the field to the 20 with 8 seconds and throw a pass to Moss for a TD. 1 second to go now...


Football addict
This game should have been over by now. The Jets have had so many chances to put the Pats away and they keep melting down.


Animal Poor!
well the Jets didn't "melt down" enough this time... :whistle: it was close.. and the Jets should never have let the game get as close as it did, but they pulled it off against odds... :yahoo::yahoo: