Jewitt vs. Hoyer


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
I admit I need to follow the state and county elections a bit more... I'm out of touch with them.

I'm having trouble with this Hoyer vs. Jewitt. I've heard many say, even conservatives, and many whose opinions I respect, that Hoyer has been good to this area.

But I've also got to take the fact that he's a Democrat, and the fact that I think 80% of Democrats are vile human beings, into account. And the fact that I disagree with 80% of the Democratic philosophy.

I've never heard majorly "bad" about Jewitt. But I haven't heard anything outstanding about him either.

Someone who knows this stuff... can you highlight specifically why you think one is better than the other? Will Hoyer carry the vote in the SOMD counties?


Many Americans believe the institution of marriage has fundamental impact on our society. It provides the foundation for role models that only a mother and a father can provide. It prepares the rising generation to be a responsible, self-governing citizenry. It reduces poverty, and by extension, strengthens the economy.

This was posted by Jewitt on his website. This further supports the notion of gay marriage because as he stated-It prepares the rising generation to be a responsible, self-governing citizenry. It reduces poverty, and by extension, strengthens the economy. Those are Brad Jewitt's words. So if it reduces poverty, and strengthens the economy then why deny marriage if it brings so much good to America as a whole?


"Fill your hands you SOB!
UrbanPancake said:
Many Americans believe the institution of marriage has fundamental impact on our society. It provides the foundation for role models that only a mother and a father can provide. It prepares the rising generation to be a responsible, self-governing citizenry. It reduces poverty, and by extension, strengthens the economy.

This was posted by Jewitt on his website. This further supports the notion of gay marriage because as he stated-It prepares the rising generation to be a responsible, self-governing citizenry. It reduces poverty, and by extension, strengthens the economy. Those are Brad Jewitt's words. So if it reduces poverty, and strengthens the economy then why deny marriage if it brings so much good to America as a whole?
Because, you tard, the institution of marriage is between a MAN and a WOMAN. Seeing how homosexual marriage is still not legal, there can be no other "institution of marriage" other than between a man and a woman. So when Jewitt talks about the institution of marriage, it DOES NOT support gay rights or gay marriage.



If you go to this website, it will show you everything Hoyer has done for St. Mary's County. You can also see what he has done elsewhere in Southern Maryland. Overall Hoyer has been pretty great for our district. He has brought federal jobs here, and helped to keep Indian Head, and PAX River in Southern Maryland. He really cares about our economy and has the experience to bring us forward and further diversify the economy down here.


New Member
Hoyer on Marriage Tax

Marriage Penalty Tax bill

Bill Number: HR 4181
Issue: Budget, Spending and Taxes
Date: 04/28/2004
Sponsor: Bill sponsored by Representative Gerlach, R-PA

Roll Call Number: 0138
Bill Passed
Full Member List

Representative Steny H. Hoyer voted NO.

Vote to pass the bill that would permanently repeal tax provisions ending the so-called “marriage penalty.”

·The bill sets the standard deduction for married couples at twice that of single taxpayers
·The bill expands the 15% tax bracket of married couples to twice that of single taxpayers
·The bill expands the Earned Income Tax Credit to include higher income limits of married couples

(Bill sponsored by Representative Gerlach, R-PA)
Bill Passed 323-95: R 220-0; D 102-95; I 1-0 on 04/28/2004.

Bill Status: As of 06/25/2004
Bill Number: HR 4181 -108th Congress (2003-2004)
House Passage Vote: 04/28/2004- Outcome: Passed

For further status information, call the Voter's Research Hotline at 1-888-VOTE-SMART (1-888-868-3762)


Voter2002 said:
Because, you tard, the institution of marriage is between a MAN and a WOMAN. Seeing how homosexual marriage is still not legal, there can be no other "institution of marriage" other than between a man and a woman. So when Jewitt talks about the institution of marriage, it DOES NOT support gay rights or gay marriage.

Who created the institution of marriage? The Bible? The President? Marriage has been around forever and a day. Why can't the government issue the same little piece of paper that me and my wife have to a gay couple? Why would it turn everything to Hell? If it strengthens the community by supporting families which inturn helps the economy (because the gay couple will share the same tax benefits that we get), then why should it be denied? Do you think that straight people will all of a sudden become gay? If you do then you need to got to the doctor buddy. :patriot:


New Member
Child Tax Credit

Increased Child Tax Credit bill

Bill Number: HR 1308
Issue: Budget, Spending and Taxes
Date: 09/23/2004
Sponsor: Bill sponsored by Thomas R-CA)

Roll Call Number: 0188
Conference Report Adopted
Full Member List

Representative Steny H. Hoyer voted NO .

Vote to pass a conference report that would extend the child tax credit and other expiring tax cuts.

-The bill would provide a five year extension on the $1,000 Child Tax Credit per child
-The bill would ensure that tax relief for taxpayers in the 10% bracket as well as the increase in the Child Tax Credit provided in the 2003 tax cut will not expire before 2010
-The bill would ensure that tax relief for married couples provided in the 2003 tax cut will not expire before 2008

(Bill sponsored by Thomas R-CA)
Conference Report Adopted 339-65: R 213-0; D 125-65; I 1-0 on 9/23/2004


New Member
Middle Class Tax Credit

Yeah, Hoyer is for the working man/woman... NOT

Middle-Class Alternative Minimum Tax Relief Act of 2004

Bill Number: HR 4227
Issue: Budget, Spending and Taxes
Date: 05/05/2004
Sponsor: Bill sponsored by Representative Simmons, R-CT

Roll Call Number: 0144
Bill Passed
Full Member List

Representative Steny H. Hoyer voted NO.

Vote to pass the bill that would extend to 2005 the alternative minimum tax relief available in 2003 and 2004

·Up to $40,250 for individual taxpayers
·Up to $58,000 for married couples

(Bill sponsored by Representative Simmons, R-CT)

Bill Passed 333-89: R 223-0; D 109-89; on 05/05/2004

Bill Status: As of 06/25/2004
Bill Number: HR 4227 -108th Congress (2003-2004)
House Passage Vote: 05/05/2004- Outcome: Passed

For further status information, call the Voter's Research Hotline at 1-888-VOTE-SMART (1-888-868-3762)


ceo_pte said:
Marriage Penalty Tax bill

Bill Number: HR 4181
Issue: Budget, Spending and Taxes
Date: 04/28/2004
Sponsor: Bill sponsored by Representative Gerlach, R-PA

Roll Call Number: 0138
Bill Passed
Full Member List

Representative Steny H. Hoyer voted NO.

Vote to pass the bill that would permanently repeal tax provisions ending the so-called “marriage penalty.”

·The bill sets the standard deduction for married couples at twice that of single taxpayers
·The bill expands the 15% tax bracket of married couples to twice that of single taxpayers
·The bill expands the Earned Income Tax Credit to include higher income limits of married couples

(Bill sponsored by Representative Gerlach, R-PA)
Bill Passed 323-95: R 220-0; D 102-95; I 1-0 on 04/28/2004.

Bill Status: As of 06/25/2004
Bill Number: HR 4181 -108th Congress (2003-2004)
House Passage Vote: 04/28/2004- Outcome: Passed

For further status information, call the Voter's Research Hotline at 1-888-VOTE-SMART (1-888-868-3762)

To be honest I really don't care. My wife and I file separately because we get more back that way. I'm still going to vote for Hoyer. Jewitt is so far right he's probably looking at his backside. :lmao:


New Member
Unborn Victims of Violence Act

Unborn Victims of Violence Act 2004

Bill Number: HR 1997
Issue: Health Issues
Date: 02/26/2004
Sponsor: Bill sponsored by Representative Hart, R-PA

Roll Call Number: 0031
Bill Passed
Full Member List

Representative Steny H. Hoyer voted NO.

Vote to pass a bill that would make it a criminal offense if a fetus is injured or killed while carrying out a violent crime on a pregnant woman.

· The bill would charge the assailant with two crimes: one against the mother and one against the fetus
· The bill does not require proof that the offender had knowledge of the woman's pregnancy
· The bill does not require proof that the offender intended to harm the fetus
· The death penalty cannot be imposed for this offense
· Legal abortions are exempt under the bill

(Bill sponsored by Representative Hart, R-PA)
Bill Passed 254-163: R 207-13; D 47-149;I 0-1 on 02/26/2004

Bill Status
Bill Number: HR 1997 -108th Congress (2003-2004)
House Passage Vote: 02/26/2004- Outcome: Passed
Senate Passage Vote: 03/25/2004-Outcome: Passed
Presidential Action: Signed on 04/01/2004

For further status information, call the Voter's Research Hotline at 1-888-VOTE-SMART (1-888-868-3762)

For further status information, call the Voter's Research Hotline at 1-888-VOTE-SMART (1-888-868-3762)


ceo_pte said:
Yeah, Hoyer is for the working man/woman... NOT

Middle-Class Alternative Minimum Tax Relief Act of 2004

Bill Number: HR 4227
Issue: Budget, Spending and Taxes
Date: 05/05/2004
Sponsor: Bill sponsored by Representative Simmons, R-CT

Roll Call Number: 0144
Bill Passed
Full Member List

Representative Steny H. Hoyer voted NO.

Vote to pass the bill that would extend to 2005 the alternative minimum tax relief available in 2003 and 2004

·Up to $40,250 for individual taxpayers
·Up to $58,000 for married couples

(Bill sponsored by Representative Simmons, R-CT)

Bill Passed 333-89: R 223-0; D 109-89; on 05/05/2004

Bill Status: As of 06/25/2004
Bill Number: HR 4227 -108th Congress (2003-2004)
House Passage Vote: 05/05/2004- Outcome: Passed

For further status information, call the Voter's Research Hotline at 1-888-VOTE-SMART (1-888-868-3762)

Why should he vote yes? We are in the middle of a war, and we have a deficit. How are we paying for the war? Oh that's right we're putting it on credit. How silly of me, it's always smarter to put things on credit rather then using cash on hand. Silly me...... :loser:


Hoyer wants our government to pay for things as we go. He's got it right. His, and our families have to pay as we go. It only makes since to pay things in cash, rather then placing expenses on your credit card right? Would you pay your utility bills with credit?????? No you wouldn't, unless you were a moron.


Active Member

Hoyer has looked out for both Pax and Indian Head. He does watch out for southern md quite a bit. Jewitt is kinda new, and really hasn't said much about what he intends to do. He is from Arlington, was the mayor of Berwyn Heights, but I think he seems to want to push the metro area agenda on southern md, of which I am against. If I want metro area agendas, I will drive to DC. Hoyer may have become a bit far left on some things, but, he does fight for the military and the bases here.


New Member
UrbanPancake said:
Why should he vote yes? We are in the middle of a war, and we have a deficit. How are we paying for the war? Oh that's right we're putting it on credit. How silly of me, it's always smarter to put things on credit rather then using cash on hand. Silly me...... :loser:

It passed, so his vote really doesn't matter on this issue. But if you like giving your money to the governemnt and you support socialism, you would probably like living in Germany, France, Belgium, or The Netherlands...

"But if European politicians refuse to cut taxes and reduce bloated welfare states, how can they overcome America's economic lead? The answer, unfortunately, is that they want to undermine American tax policy so the U.S. economy will grow slower. In other words, Europe's socialist politicians want to make the United States more like Europe so we lose our competitive advantage in the world economy.

Already, the Europeans have dragged America before the World Trade Organization four times in an effort to compel our lawmakers to impose higher taxes on U.S. corporations. And the European Commission also is attempting to force American companies with Internet sales to pay European taxes-even if they have no operations in Europe. "