JF Kerry's veep audition...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

You know, I just have to believe that every vote this man got for President was an anti-Bush vote, because I'm unable to believe anyone actually would have chosen him for President on purpose.

...now THAT is scary because he came pretty damn close! :lmao:


Vrail and I were in NYC that fall, like October, for the Big Michael Moore/Moveon/DU parade/invasion/dredd fest and we watched a good bit of the parade, 150,000 some odd people. We saw tons, thousands, of anti Bush/Cheney/Halliburton/anti war signs and chants and I counted exactly 3 pro kerry signs.

So, yeah, you're right.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Vrail and I were in NYC that fall, like October, for the Big Michael Moore/Moveon/DU parade/invasion/dredd fest and we watched a good bit of the parade, 150,000 some odd people. We saw tons, thousands, of anti Bush/Cheney/Halliburton/anti war signs and chants and I counted exactly 3 pro kerry signs.

It was when we dumped #1 off at school and the Republican convention was going on. We were looking around and there was...something...missing. :confused: Then we noticed the absence of pro-Kerry signs and how everything was anti-Bush. :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

It was when we dumped #1 off at school and the Republican convention was going on. We were looking around and there was...something...missing. :confused: Then we noticed the absence of pro-Kerry signs and how everything was anti-Bush. :lol:

...right! And they, the Dems, had already had their convention. It was just illuminating how shallow Democrats support can be; they'll vote for anyone when the time comes.

I've never seen so many cops in my life. If W had sent the NYP to Baghdad after the invasion there wouldn't have been so much as a jaywalking or spit on the sidewalk with them boys on the job.


Well-Known Member
It was when we dumped #1 off at school and the Republican convention was going on. We were looking around and there was...something...missing. :confused: Then we noticed the absence of pro-Kerry signs and how everything was anti-Bush. :lol:

I've certainly always known that there's a huge anti-Bush sentiment in this country - and elsewhere.

But unlike Obama supporters who seem to have latched onto his optimism, charisma, "change" and "hope", Kerry supporters' only refrain was that he wasn't Bush. I never heard a Kerry supporter ever tout the skills, promises, political positions or anything pro-Kerry. How COULD anyone like that guy? He just seems to define the term "political blowhard".

I do know a number of fiercely pro-Hillary people, and most of them are/were for her for reasons other than her gender, and none of them were anti-Obama or supporting her because she wasn't Bush or a Republican.


Well-Known Member
. I've never seen so many cops in my life.

If I recall correctly, there were any number of schemes going on specifically to dangerously disrupt the convention. I can't remember if it was MoveOn or Moore, but someone gave out the idea to spread bits of gunpowder through the subway system, to falsely alert bomb-sniffing dogs. Enough false alerts and a REAL bomb could have made it through.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If I recall correctly, there were any number of schemes going on specifically to dangerously disrupt the convention. I can't remember if it was MoveOn or Moore, but someone gave out the idea to spread bits of gunpowder through the subway system, to falsely alert bomb-sniffing dogs. Enough false alerts and a REAL bomb could have made it through.

The protesters were actually a pretty congenial bunch. I went up to a stand where they were selling "Bush No Blood For Oil" stuff and asked the gal where I could get some pro-Bush convention stuff, and she very nicely pointed me down the street where there was a stand for his stuff. I took video of the protests and they're posted in our Photo Gallery:
New York City Protest - Southern Maryland Online MultiMedia Gallery

Larry Gude

Strung Out

The protesters were actually a pretty congenial bunch. I went up to a stand where they were selling "Bush No Blood For Oil" stuff and asked the gal where I could get some pro-Bush convention stuff, and she very nicely pointed me down the street where there was a stand for his stuff. I took video of the protests and they're posted in our Photo Gallery:
New York City Protest - Southern Maryland Online MultiMedia Gallery

...to be fair, they thought us one of their own with our small, yet rather boisterous demonstration.

"Free Zack ####ey!"



Can Kerry get more partisan? Lieberman had better watch out. The DNC might put a hit out on him.


NOT Politically Correct!!
Did everyone fail to mention the Bush's "C" grades at Yale were better than any of Kerry's college grades!!! :whistle: