Jfk! Jfk! Jfk!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...doesn't anyone care?

First Iowa, now New Hampshire? Where is the excitement?

Come on, who loves the guy???



Well, anyway, the cat got off the new sofa when I looked at him...


I don't think that Kerry's generating much excitement for the same reason no one seems to care about the Super Bowl this year. A lot of Democrats, particularly those on the far left, are selling out their beliefs for the sake of electability, i.e., they're voting for Kerry only because they think he can beat Bush, rather than voting for Dean who they really agree with. It's like having to root for one of two teams you really don't care for just because they're the ones in the game.

I think that the Dems are going to pay a price for this approach come November. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of Dems just stay home if Kerry is the candidate.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...Kerry is stuck in never-never land.

He voted AGAINST the '91 Gulf War...

Voted FOR the recent unpleasantness...

But AGAINST the funding...


He's addressed all three points with classic professional politico speech that just can't stand up over time.

Maybe it can?


Sorry about that chief.
Maybe the reason he voted for the recent unpleasentness is bad intel supplied to congress and the public by the administration? No, couldn't be. Kind of makes political sense like cutting taxes and raising spending at the same time.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...I'll give you that one!

So, the intelligence community might have been off? Does this mean Kerry was flat out wrong in '91?

Then we have the most intelligent piece on all this Iraq/WMD stuff I've read to date:


...and now what?

It would seem if Kerrys defense of his vote for war and then his witholding support of the troops (that's how it will play) is the innoculation of 'bad intel' then what will President Kerry do? Pull us out, right away?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
Maybe the reason he voted for the recent unpleasentness is bad intel supplied to congress and the public by the administration? No, couldn't be.
Just like the bad intel that was relied upon in 1998 when the following three elements concluded PL 105-235, which passed the Senate by Unanimous Consent.

Whereas despite clear agreement on the part of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein with United Nations General Kofi Annan to grant access to all sites, and fully cooperate with UNSCOM, and the adoption on March 2, 1998, of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1154, warning that any violation of the agreement with Annan would have the `severest consequences' for Iraq, Iraq has continued to actively conceal weapons and weapons programs, provide misinformation and otherwise deny UNSCOM inspectors access;

Whereas on June 24, 1998, UNSCOM Director Richard Butler presented information to the United Nations Security Council indicating clearly that Iraq, in direct contradiction to information provided to UNSCOM, weaponized the nerve agent VX; and

Whereas Iraq's continuing weapons of mass destruction programs threaten vital United States interests and international peace and security

Does this mean that Kerry has been fooled twice by this?


New Member
My parents and others libs are selling out to the electability factor. What they don't relize is that the Democratic party has no soul. Howard Dean is the only one that can save this party. I'd rather lose this election with democratic values then false "popular" values.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Ain't you...

...the cutest little cracka...

I'd rather lose this election with democratic values then false "popular" values.

We are exactly, almost, alike. I voted for Alan Keyes instead of that 'popular' values sellout George W. Bush.

Maybe you'll get lucky, like I did, and find that the 'popular' values sellout was the best choice after all?