Jim Zorn



Wow!! It just flashed across the NFL Network Channel during the 10 best all season players show I'm watching. They said he spent 7 years as quarterback coach at seatle (which we knew) and that Associated Press reports that we've named Jim Zorn Head Coach. :mad: :faint:
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Wow!! It just flashed across the NFL Network Channel during the 10 best all season players show I'm watching. They said he spent 7 years as quarterback coach at seatle (which we new) and that Associated Press reports that we've named Jim Zorn Head Coach. :mad:

He must be Jewish.....:coffee:


He must be Jewish.....:coffee:

UFB :faint: Not that I have anything against the guy, but as Riggins said last week - "we all preach about 'Redskin Family' we should keep this inhouse - you at least give Russ Grim an interview" I agree :mad: Also I think we've made a BIG mistake letting Williams go and not letting him get the job.

Listening to Riggo Radio on my way home about a month ago mentioned some sort of spat and why Williams wasn't given the nod. According to them, Greg Williams never told Gibbs about them going out with 10 defensive backs instead of 11 to honor Sean Taylor, Snyder went off like a bat out of hell and saying "you couldn't even tell your coach??!!" and this whole "we don't trust you now" anger was brewing in the background ever since from Snyder. But I think its gotta be more than that, it's just not fair :frown: Jim Zorn???????? A QUARTERBACK COACH is now our HEAD COACH :sigh: :faint: I'm willing to give him a fair shot but... :ohwell: ughhh...


Busy Girl
Dan Snyder is a Jacka#$...if you read the press release it says that he was originally hired as a off. cord., but he impressed them so much that they started to consider him for the coaching position......

I smell BS...clearly he made a mistake getting rid of Saunders and Williams, and he couldnt negotiate a deal with any of the others he has been interviewing and now he is paying for it.

I love the Redskins, but when will Snyder realize that he already had the team...he just needed to build it with williams and saunders...dumba#$


My Sweetest Boy
Nobody else wanted the job.

That's pretty ****ing pathetic.

Not too many people had high hopes for Gibbs when he was hired the first time....and we all know how that worked out.

I dunno..I like this choice better than the others they were looking at.


New Member
as long as it wasnt Fassel but...................I agree it should ave stayed in the redskin family but what are we going do we still have the best Professional football team in the world


Not too many people had high hopes for Gibbs when he was hired the first time....and we all know how that worked out.

I dunno..I like this choice better than the others they were looking at.

I may be wrong, and probably am :lol: but didn't Gibbs at least get to pick his offensive coordinator and defensive coordinator, Like Bugel, :shrug: Here it's like Snyder yet again picked out his favorite toys to play with and expected someone to come in and pick up the peices and couldn't find a person to take charge of them all. Any coach in his right mind would say no :shrug: But I do hope for the best for the skins, however, I'm not very optimistic about this season and everyone meshing together for at least a few years, and in the meantime azz#### Snyder gets impatient and makes more changes :faint: :frown:
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The quarterback coach for the Seahawks???

Well - he turned Matt Hasselback into a top notch player... who knows, maybe he can keep the ball rolling.


Football addict
Not too many people had high hopes for Gibbs when he was hired the first time....and we all know how that worked out.

I dunno..I like this choice better than the others they were looking at.
I was shocked about this pick and was equally critical. However, after reading his endorsements I'm willing to give the guy a chance. It sounds like he's a breath of fresh air who will bring in a new system and work ethic. It will definitely be interesting to see what happens this year.

I got what I wanted, not Jim Fassel.:yay:

Peter Forsberg

New Member
Snyder what have you done!!

I feel so sorry for you Redskins fans. It's bad when nobody wants to coach your team because of your owner.:smack:


New Member
its they only way dannyboy could have Full Control of the team..... I have lost all hope as a life long redskins fan as long as Dan Snyder owns this team.


Well-Known Member
I was shocked about this pick and was equally critical. However, after reading his endorsements I'm willing to give the guy a chance. It sounds like he's a breath of fresh air who will bring in a new system and work ethic. It will definitely be interesting to see what happens this year.

Maybe he's not the big name that everyone expected, but when Joe Gibbs was hired the first time he wasnt that well known either.
We willl just have to wait and see.


Football addict
I'm genuinely excited about Zorn after hearing his press conference. He has confidence, energy, and spunk. I can't wait to see what he reveals this season; He'll get an early start this year for the Skins play in the Hall of Fame game against the Colts.:yahoo: