Job 18 Bildad's Terror


Well-Known Member
18:1 Then Bildad the Shuhite replied:
2 “When will you end these speeches?
Be sensible, and then we can talk.
3 Why are we regarded as cattle
and considered stupid in your sight?
4 You who tear yourself to pieces in your anger,
is the earth to be abandoned for your sake?
Or must the rocks be moved from their place?
5 “The lamp of a wicked man is snuffed out;
the flame of his fire stops burning.
6 The light in his tent becomes dark;
the lamp beside him goes out.
7 The vigor of his step is weakened;
his own schemes throw him down.
8 His feet thrust him into a net;
he wanders into its mesh.
9 A trap seizes him by the heel;
a snare holds him fast.
10 A noose is hidden for him on the ground;
a trap lies in his path.
11 Terrors startle him on every side
and dog his every step.
12 Calamity is hungry for him;
disaster is ready for him when he falls.
13 It eats away parts of his skin;
death’s firstborn devours his limbs.
14 He is torn from the security of his tent
and marched off to the king of terrors.
15 Fire resides[a] in his tent;
burning sulfur is scattered over his dwelling.
16 His roots dry up below
and his branches wither above.
17 The memory of him perishes from the earth;
he has no name in the land.
18 He is driven from light into the realm of darkness
and is banished from the world.
19 He has no offspring or descendants among his people,
no survivor where once he lived.
20 People of the west are appalled at his fate;
those of the east are seized with horror.
21 Surely such is the dwelling of an evil man;
such is the place of one who does not know God.”

a. Job 18:15 Or Nothing he had remains

Boy..... Job had some very opinionated buddies. They seem to be tired of sitting in the ashes and listening to Job complain about it not being his fault. As far as they're concerned there is no other explanation. It's a fact of life.

This commentary is from the easy English site.

In other words, Job could not change the world. Bildad thought that Job needed to learn about reality.
Bildad’s only idea in this chapter was that a wicked man is never successful. Bildad did not actually say that Job was wicked. But Bildad clearly had this opinion.​
Bildad was sure that the wicked man could not continue to live. A candle can only burn for a few hours. Then, there is darkness. Bildad thought that a wicked man would only live for a short time. Job expected to die soon. So Job seemed to be like this wicked man.
Job said that God caused his troubles. Perhaps Bildad thought that Job caused his own troubles.
So the wild animal is just a description of the wicked man’s troubles. His troubles seem to be everywhere. And the troubles become worse and worse. In the end, the man dies because of his troubles. And his death is a terrible death.​
Job had terrible skin troubles. His troubles seemed impossible to escape from. And these troubles were getting worse and worse. So Bildad thought that Job must be a wicked man.
When Bildad talked about the man’s tent, he did not simply mean a home. He also meant the man’s life. A tent may seem to be a good home. But a tent is temporary. So a wicked man’s life is like a tent. His life cannot last for long. He will soon die.
Bildad thought that Job was wicked. So Bildad warned Job. Nobody would remember Job after his death. Job had no children alive. Job trusted God to prove that Job was innocent. But Bildad thought that Job’s situation was hopeless.
Job thought that his troubles had some good effects. Bildad did not believe this. A wicked man’s death may upset everyone. But a wicked man’s death would not help anybody.​
Bildad said these things because he wanted to help Job. Bildad wanted Job to confess his evil deeds to God. If Job did this, then God would forgive Job. But Bildad never really understood that Job was a good man.​
Job is persistent.... I'll give him that. He knows he's right. He has no doubt he has followed all the laws in the five books of Moses. He refuses to let go of his innocence..... Bildad says things don't just change this drastically for one man.

If Bildad acknowledges that Job might be right..... that Job did everything right but still lost everything.... then Bildad himself has no grounds to stand on either..... if bad things happen to everyone.... even the ones that do everything right.... then Bildad could face terrors of his own.

Judge Judy says.... if it doesn't make sense.... it's a lie. Judge Judy is playing Bildad's tune. If Job was to enter Judge Judy's courtroom.... and make his claim of innocence..... Judge Judy would have agreed with Bildad. Job's claim just doesn't make sense.

Here's a question..... who said life was supposed to make sense?
