Job 4 Cheer Up Job!


Well-Known Member
4:1 Then Eliphaz the Temanite replied:
2 “If someone ventures a word with you, will you be impatient?
But who can keep from speaking?
3 Think how you have instructed many,
how you have strengthened feeble hands.
4 Your words have supported those who stumbled;
you have strengthened faltering knees.
5 But now trouble comes to you, and you are discouraged;
it strikes you, and you are dismayed.
6 Should not your piety be your confidence
and your blameless ways your hope?
Oh I use to be so guilty of this. I figured telling someone to "cheer up" would make them realize they were depressed. What an ignorant assumption! There sat Job.... in a pile of ash..... scraping the boils on his body with a shard of broken pottery. His kids were wiped out during a party.... sounds like a tornado took them all out. Raiding parties and thieves took out his stock.... basically.... he had nothing.... but his three friends.... they were so stunned by his circumstances.... they were basically speechless.... but they stayed there..... watching him scrape his nasty boils.... and then this buddy says "cheer up"..... "You didn't cause this!"

This is from the easy English site.

Job’s words upset Eliphaz. And Job’s troubles also upset Eliphaz.
Eliphaz simply believed that a good person should have a good life. And Eliphaz thought that an evil person should have a terrible life.
So, when Eliphaz saw Job’s troubles, Eliphaz had no explanation. Eliphaz was sure that Job was a good man. But Job was suffering the troubles that an evil person deserves.​
Eliphaz did not know that the devil caused Job’s troubles. And Eliphaz did not realise that God permitted the devil to test Job.​
At first, Eliphaz believed that Job was a good man. (Later, Eliphaz would change his opinion (Job chapter 22).) Perhaps Eliphaz heard about Job’s good deeds (Job 29:11-17). Perhaps Job had even helped Eliphaz.​
Job’s speech in Job chapter 3 was a very sad speech. And this speech upset Eliphaz. Eliphaz wanted Job to be happy. Christians are glad people, because we have good news (Philippians 4:4). But sometimes we cannot be happy (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8; Mark 2:18-20). We need God’s help and comfort (James 1:13-15; Matthew 5:4).​
Eliphaz was a patient man (Job 2:13). But he spoke too soon. Job needed Eliphaz’s sympathy. And Job needed Eliphaz’s friendship. Instead, Eliphaz told Job to be happy. And Eliphaz’s words seemed cruel to Job (Proverbs 25:20).​
But Eliphaz’s advice in verse 6 was sensible. In chapter 3, Job hardly thought about God. Job was only thinking about himself. So, Job had no hope. Instead, Job wanted to die. Job could be confident because he was a holy man. And Job could have hope, because God cares for good people.

This is from

In verses 4:1 – 5:27: This is Eliphaz’s first speech. His main emphasis is that no one who was innocent has ever suffered as much as Job (who ever perished, being innocent?); thus God has brought this punishment to chasten a sinful Job and restore him to righteousness, for Eliphaz’s other speeches. He spoke profoundly and gently, but knew nothing of the scene in heaven that had produced the suffering of Job.
Verses 1-6: In Hebrew, “Eliphaz” means “My god is Gold.” His name and native land (“Teman”), were associated with Esau and Edom (Gen. 36:11; 1 Chron. 1:36; Jer. 49:7). Eliphaz began his speech with sarcasm, essentially accusing Job of not practicing what he preached.

Humans just don't understand humans. I am so thankful that God didn't give us the ability to read minds. Sometimes I wish He had given some people the ability to keep their thoughts to themselves.... but we have to take the good with the bad... right?

Equally awful stupid things humans believe......

If you go to church you have to be a goody two shoes.
If you are a Christian you can never be unhappy.
If you are unhappy then you are not being faithful to God.
If you are having problems.... God must be angry at you.

Stupid humans..... bad stuff happens to good people all the time..... we can blame it on satan if it makes us feel better.... but fact is.... odds are that something is going to go wrong eventually.

In the delivery room..... wouldn't it be wonderful if every now and then a child could come with a "guarantee" that nothing bad would ever happen. I guess since Jesus couldn't have a guarantee no one else should either....

Jesus led a blameless life..... and still had to hang on that cross.... naked..... blameless.... if Jesus could have bad days... then I guess I can live through a few.... mine aren't as bad as His....

Jesus had horrible things happen to Him......He didn't do anything wrong.....
