Job Interview at Lawfirm


New Member
I'm just looking for any advice anyone can give me. I have an interview at a very prestigious lawfirm in DC today for a Legal Secretary and am extremely nervous. I really don't know what type of questions will be asked or how to answer them. I've never applied for this type of position before so I'm jsut looking to see if anyone could give me any advice or knows what type of questions are asked at this type of interview. THanks!


No idea what they will ask you but a few quick hints -

Make and keep eye contact with your interveiwer.

If you don't know the answer to a question admit it. Lies will only make you look dumb.


Admit you are nervous if asked

The worst question ever asked in interviews is...what are your faults. Name one and have it set in your head which one your going to pick. :biggrin:


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by smileyz24
I'm just looking for any advice anyone can give me. I have an interview at a very prestigious lawfirm in DC today for a Legal Secretary and am extremely nervous. I really don't know what type of questions will be asked or how to answer them. I've never applied for this type of position before so I'm jsut looking to see if anyone could give me any advice or knows what type of questions are asked at this type of interview. THanks!

I work in the DC office at one of the county's largest law firms. Do you have experience as a legal secretary? How did you come to interview at this firm?


New Member
Well I graduated with my associates in paralegal studies. I saw the job-ad on the internet and knew it was something I was interested in. I haven't had any actual legal secretary experience, but have 3-4 years of administrative experience. Which law firm are you at?


New Member
I remember my first interview at a law office. I was scared to death, but after a few minutes of talking with the interviewers, they made me feel comfortable. I remember taking several typing/grammar/math skills tests.

Good luck! :cheers:

Surf City Baby

New Member
Do they already know you've no experience as a legal secretary? Don't worry. The last item on my resume was 5 years as an office manager. If it's anything like the firm that employs me, they're not looking for legal knowledge; they're looking more for administrative, or even executive, assistant experience/skills.

Be yourself, make eye contact, and you'll be fine. Good luck and keep us posted.


My Sweetest Boy
We have very extensive testing prior to the interview process. Interviewees meet with our HR Director, take tests and are scheduled for an interview with the attorney/attorneys depending on the results of the interview with the HR Director and the test results. Some of the tests are written (math, grammar, etc.) and some are of the various computer software programs that we utilize.


New Member
Good luck...I had no clue that there were so many paralegals here. Cattitude, you work at a firm in DC. Where?


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by demsformd
Good luck...I had no clue that there were so many paralegals here. Cattitude, you work at a firm in DC. Where?

You tell me and I'll tell you.:biggrin:


New Member
Originally posted by cattitude
You tell me and I'll tell you.:biggrin:

Haha, yeah I would love to tell you but I don't think that the other partners want people to associate the firm with some of my principles especially since the firm is strongly Republican.

But if I pay you and I employ you, I am sure that you are doing a hell of a job.


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by demsformd
Haha, yeah I would love to tell you but I don't think that the other partners want people to associate the firm with some of my principles especially since the firm is strongly Republican.

So you're not really Lanny Davis? :biggrin: Hmm... Back to investigation mode...

Surf City Baby

New Member
Originally posted by Oz
So you're not really Lanny Davis? :biggrin: Hmm... Back to investigation mode...

If I may, what is it that made you choose that particular av?

:offtopic: I know. Just curious. I won't draw it out.
Last edited:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Surf City Baby
If I may, what is it that made you choose that particular av?
Let's see...he's a guy... and the av has a big, bouncy rack...and he's a guy...and the av has a big, bouncy rack...and he's a guy.....

Sexual objectification, right here on our forums! Can you believe it!?! Get him, Surf! :lol:


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by Surf City Baby
If I may, what is it that made you choose that particular av?

:offtopic: I know. Just curious. I won't draw it out.

I'm glad you won't draw it out...

So, you like my OZvatar?

Chuckle factor... It's one of those pics that you'll see a few times before you look at it, and then when you finally look at it and figure out what it is, every time you see my message you'll watch it again and again and get a chuckle. (At least that's what I do when I see it!)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Oz
I'm glad you won't draw it out...

So, you like my OZvatar?

Chuckle factor... It's one of those pics that you'll see a few times before you look at it, and then when you finally look at it and figure out what it is, every time you see my message you'll watch it again and again and get a chuckle. (At least that's what I do when I see it!)

Why is she limping? Out of balance?


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by willie
Why is she limping? Out of balance?

Who cares? It got a little choppy at the last attempt to speed it up. I have a slower version that is actually a little clearer, but not as fast!

Actually, I don't see a limp... More like a sway...

Surf City Baby

New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Let's see...he's a guy... and the av has a big, bouncy rack...and he's a guy...and the av has a big, bouncy rack...and he's a guy.....

Sexual objectification, right here on our forums! Can you believe it!?! Get him, Surf! :lol:

:cheesy: No need. I was just curious.

Surf City Baby

New Member
Originally posted by Oz
I'm glad you won't draw it out...

So, you like my OZvatar?

Chuckle factor... It's one of those pics that you'll see a few times before you look at it, and then when you finally look at it and figure out what it is, every time you see my message you'll watch it again and again and get a chuckle. (At least that's what I do when I see it!)

No, I'm not terribly fond of it, but I've nothing to say about it. I'm glad it makes you laugh. Life without laughter would suck.