Jobs in Calvert County


Be about it
I currently work at Pax River, but was wondering if there are any professional jobs in Calvert? I can think of the hospital and Calvert Cliffs, but is there anything else? Thanks ya'll!


Other than small law firms in Prince Frederick area and Dunkirk area. I think you cover pretty much of where professional jobs are at. I am not sure about the new CSM campus in Prince Frederick.
I remember applying for the job at Calvert Cliff but they told me to mail it to the Baltimore Gas & Elec. employment office. I didn't get any luck there long time ago.


My Sweetest Boy
Not sure what you mean about "professional" jobs. I'm a legal secretary. I would have to cut my salary in half to accept a job in Calvert. I would love to work close to home but dollar wise that's just not feasible. County doesn't pay a whole lot and the openings are very few and far between for admin jobs. SMECO doesn't pay badly for the area and they advertise on the classifieds here. The doctors offices have secretarial and other admin jobs but don't pay very well either.


Doin the duty for you....

There are also some jobs on base at Solomon's Island. Mostly related to aviation support equipment and logistics.