Jockeys on Animal Planet


New Member
Did anyone watch the show Jockeys on Animal Planet last week?
I thought it was good enough for me to keep watching.


New Member
I didn't catch the show but I will look for it. They do so many repeats I should be able to catch up. Is is a mini-series? I think it was the book Seabiscuit by Laura Hillenbrand that gave a great look at jockeys in the depression era. They were considered expendable, always another man on the corner to take the spot. It would be interesting to see the world of the modern day athletes.


RIP Quinn
Yes, i saw it, liked it. They also showed the 'most extreme' show after that showing harrowing falls and accidents on the track. That was uncomfortable to watch!


New Member
My daughter and I watched it - I enjoyed it - Didn't like the accidents though but everyone knows with horses accidents can happen -


New Member
I turned off the TV when they started showing the accidents on the track. I don't want to think about the terrible things that can happen.


New Member
i thought that the show was really goood :) butt it keep repeating it self after every commerical. :( buttt other then that i will be watching it every fridayyy !


My daughter and I watched it - I enjoyed it - Didn't like the accidents though but everyone knows with horses accidents can happen -

Not if you don't launch them out of a gate at that age for $....heartbreaking, not entertaining...JMO


New Member
I thought the show was ok. Didnt like how they kept repeating parts of it. I will watch just about any horsey show on tv. One thing that kinda irked me was that they called the race by the jockey's names indstead of the horses. I know the show is about the Jockeys but.... I have never heard a race called by the jockey's name and not the horse's. Having been around the track for a couple years now, I noticed that the show was correct on most things but some info was not quite correct. Like how they said that the jockeys exercise ride in the mornings for free... None of the Jocks I know exercise for free.


New Member
They used a voice over for the calling of the races, still Trevor Denman, but he added the riders name to make it less complicated for the viewing audience... Jocks usually do work horses for free in the mornings to get mounts, of course times are a little different here in Maryland, and those riders that dont ride much will ask to get paid.

If a trainer uses a jock and does not pay them in the mornings, it is an unwritten agreement that he will use them in the afternoons, but if the trainer pays them in the mornings, the trainer feels he owes them nothing (which he really doesnt)!


New Member
hmmm i'd like to watch this show. but no animal planet channel...darn basic cable. who wants to tivo it for me??


Hunter/Eq. Trainer :-)
yay!!! did you watch it? we could have a jockey show night sometime

That sounds like fun!:yahoo: Wonder how many shows will be in the series?

I didn't realize if you didn't finish in the money the Jockey gets little or nothing for that Race. All that work and little pay. Not to mention the risk.:otter: Guess the top three getting a piece of the pie will hopefully keep everyone involved honest?:whistle:


New Member
It's just not worth the risk to try and fix a race... riders are ruled off for life usually.

In order to fix a race you usually have to involve one of the favorites... and usually the rider is well established and wont risk their lively hood for a few extra bucks. Plus it takes more than one rider to do has happened in the past, but now with better technology (videos and instant replay) the stewards are watching every move these riders make.

They will question a rider if they dont feel they were trying hard enough on their mount too.