Joe Gibbs Enterprises...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...well, so far, as I've read and heard on the radio, the team with more coaches than players is actually working out well.

Williams (D) runs his shop, Danny runs his Special teams guys and Saunders (O) runs his boys and the Godfather, the CEO, walks around with an oil can, figuratively speaking, and a squirt here or there only as absolutely necessary.

I think we knew that Williams ran his shop like he ran his shop. That was clear from last year and fom the moving on of Smoot, Pierce and now LaVarr. Gibbs called them, Pierce and Smoot anyway, 'core' guys. Williams called them a cab.

It will really be something to actually see Gibbs with his hands out of the pie, his apron not in the kitchen, not calling plays on the sideline.

This is how he runs his race teams, like a corporation. That was easier to understand as it was never said that Joe knew racing. Not football, though. Already a hall of famer, what the heck is he gonna do on the sidelines?

OK, fine, I'm getting excited and just need to write SOMETHING about Burgundy and Gold.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

BuddyLee said:
It's getting closer...

...less than 45 hours.

...preseason is puke. The ONLY thing of interest is how Collins and Campbell look and even that is marginal unless they start with the first team. All the rest is nail biting, praying for veteran lineman to get up healthy after every play.

September 11 is THE day.


This is the year!

Larry Gude said:
...preseason is puke. The ONLY thing of interest is how Collins and Campbell look and even that is marginal unless they start with the first team. All the rest is nail biting, praying for veteran lineman to get up healthy after every play.

September 11 is THE day.
The 11th is the Day and this is the year! I will have to change my fantasy team name from Gibbskins to what? any suggestions? :coffee:


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
...preseason is puke. The ONLY thing of interest is how Collins and Campbell look and even that is marginal unless they start with the first team. All the rest is nail biting, praying for veteran lineman to get up healthy after every play.

September 11 is THE day.

:yeahthat: boring boring boring..with the exception of the above comment.


You're all F'in Mad...
Ummm Larry - There's a Pat Ramsey on line 3 for you... He thinks fresh plants may improve his numbers with the Realtors... :ohwell: