For your consideration ...
We currently, right now, today, yesterday, and the days before, are being attacked by our enemy, and have been. Many just do not realize that it is happening. The enemy is not only at the gate, they control the gate. We have been economically attacked via an economic war since before, and after, the founding of this Nation. Everything this Nation, and its people, holds dear, is being attacked. Family values, our freedoms, our individual rights and liberties. Name it. If it is an American value, it's being attacked.
Why would any American attack American values? They wouldn't. Unless they themselves have been compromised to act against their own self -interest, while of course profiting from such actions to smooth over any moral conscience.
American sovereignty? Forget about it. We have none. Remember, the hand that gives, (the FED), is above the hand that takes (the US). The bankers/financiers/money makers, set the terms, control the actions of government, set policy by way of non negotiable "recommendations", becasue of that debt. Just as a banker will force you to get mortgage insurance as a requirement to get a mortgage ... they set the terms ~ and also own the insurance companies. The same with any government that gets a loan.
“The hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Money has no fatherland, financiers are without patriotism and without decency, their sole object is gain.” ― Napoleon Bonaparte
That feeling, you feel it everyday, where you know something is wrong, things are off, and yet, just can't quite put your finger on it, you can't explain it? You know that feeling? Well the above is the cause of that "feeling".