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Many Samaritans Believe
When the Samaritan woman went back to her home, she was no doubt very excited and told everyone. I know people who have gone to a palm reader. This palm reader was good, and she would tell them things about themselves and then "foretell" the future. They told everyone about their experience. They would also tell people that they should go see her.
Jesus didn't tell the Samaritan woman what was to come.... which would have taken a while to prove. He told her intimate things about herself to prove He knew her right then. He told her things only she would know. We all have secrets. He knew hers. He knows your secrets too, you know. Would you tell people about meeting someone who knows your inner thoughts and your darkest secrets?
Jesus told her that He is indeed the Messiah [John 4:25-26]. I can see how easy it would have been for her to believe Him after telling her about her inner thoughts and darkest secrets. When He added the information about being the Messiah.... well she would have naturally gone to tell everyone.
Now let's look at the people who came out to see Jesus based on her word.
Based on the relationship the Samaritans had with the Jews [John 4:9], and the woman's reputation [married four times and living with a man], I can almost hear them saying "Yeah, Right" dismissively. I'm sure she persisted saying "Look this man told me things about myself that no ordinary man would know. He told me things about myself that I never ever told anyone." I can just hear them saying "We'll see about that".
Then, no doubt, she would have said.... "He is the Messiah!"
IMHO the people from the town of Sychar had knowledge of their Jewish descendants and they were waiting for the Messiah as well. I'm sure they went to the well to prove that she was making it all up or that the man at the well was telling a horrible lie.
When they met Jesus, not only did they believe, they asked a Jewish Rabbi to stay with them for 2 days. That is totally not the norm. That is a big deal!

John 4:39 Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, “He told me everything I ever did.” 40 So when the Samaritans came to him, they urged him to stay with them, and he stayed two days. 41 And because of his words many more became believers.
42 They said to the woman, “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.”
42 They said to the woman, “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.”
When the Samaritan woman went back to her home, she was no doubt very excited and told everyone. I know people who have gone to a palm reader. This palm reader was good, and she would tell them things about themselves and then "foretell" the future. They told everyone about their experience. They would also tell people that they should go see her.
Jesus didn't tell the Samaritan woman what was to come.... which would have taken a while to prove. He told her intimate things about herself to prove He knew her right then. He told her things only she would know. We all have secrets. He knew hers. He knows your secrets too, you know. Would you tell people about meeting someone who knows your inner thoughts and your darkest secrets?
Jesus told her that He is indeed the Messiah [John 4:25-26]. I can see how easy it would have been for her to believe Him after telling her about her inner thoughts and darkest secrets. When He added the information about being the Messiah.... well she would have naturally gone to tell everyone.
Now let's look at the people who came out to see Jesus based on her word.
Based on the relationship the Samaritans had with the Jews [John 4:9], and the woman's reputation [married four times and living with a man], I can almost hear them saying "Yeah, Right" dismissively. I'm sure she persisted saying "Look this man told me things about myself that no ordinary man would know. He told me things about myself that I never ever told anyone." I can just hear them saying "We'll see about that".
Then, no doubt, she would have said.... "He is the Messiah!"
IMHO the people from the town of Sychar had knowledge of their Jewish descendants and they were waiting for the Messiah as well. I'm sure they went to the well to prove that she was making it all up or that the man at the well was telling a horrible lie.
When they met Jesus, not only did they believe, they asked a Jewish Rabbi to stay with them for 2 days. That is totally not the norm. That is a big deal!

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