John Kerry says, "Oh YEAH?....


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
...I'll make it TEN million!"

In every single month of this Administration, we haven't seen the creation of a single manufacturing job in America.
I don't know much about manufacturing, it's true, but a friend of ours owns a trucking company, delivering goods for Wal-Mart, grocery stores, etc, and he says he's turning away money because he doesn't have enough trucks and drivers to keep up with demand. He said it's like that throughout the industry.

So it seems to me that, if the demand for trucks to deliver goods is so high, then people must being buying stuff like crazy, right? And that means manufacturing must be going up as well, right?

Someone feel free to set me straight on the manufacturing/buying/delivery process if I've got it wrong.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
...I'll make it TEN million!"

I don't know much about manufacturing, it's true, but a friend of ours owns a trucking company, delivering goods for Wal-Mart, grocery stores, etc, and he says he's turning away money because he doesn't have enough trucks and drivers to keep up with demand. He said it's like that throughout the industry.

So it seems to me that, if the demand for trucks to deliver goods is so high, then people must being buying stuff like crazy, right? And that means manufacturing must be going up as well, right?

Someone feel free to set me straight on the manufacturing/buying/delivery process if I've got it wrong.

I'm not really sure on this but there could be an explination....the products could be being manufactured overseas....that would mean no growth in the manufacturing part in the US. :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by darkriver4362
the products could be being manufactured overseas....
Good point - I'm going to see if I can find some information on that. But, frankly, distributors can typically get their goods manufactured cheaper and better outside the US because of silly regulations and unions in this country. So I can't really weep any big tears over lost manufacturing jobs.

Unless John Kerry intends to limit imports, there's no way he's going to be able to create manufacturing jobs, either.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Here he comes to save the day...'s "Clarifying Man"

What he said was chemicals are starting to move, huge.

Chemicals are the bedrock of manufacturing.

Chemicals get bought and shipped when manufacturers are gonna manufacture.

When manufacturers manufacture they need people. Then the people who get the products need people to move them, display them, sell them and ship them.

March is reflecting what he told us was coming in terms of a pretty big job uptick and now April will show more of the same and then some as product starts to flow.

Kerry is an ass with his 10 million jobs because we have less than 6% un-employment on 170 million workers, or about 9 million some odd people with out a job. Negative unemployment as a campaign platform is pretty novel though.

Under 7% un-employment has been considered OK for decades. 6% pretty good. 5% unbelievable and 4% is considered pretty much 100% employment because there is ALWAYS job flux to some degree and 3-4 out of 100 adults can be counted on to be in some state of transition at any given moment.

The race is now officially about Terra and Iraq. Only.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Larry Gude
Negative unemployment as a campaign platform is pretty novel though.
Maybe he's counting people who will have to take a second job to pay their bills after Kerry implements his tax increases?


Well-Known Member

is crippled in three ways in this country:
A) Not taught in schools shop classes because of liability insurance and trained teachers.
B) Unions have driven wages beyond what many mid-size companies can afford to send it overseas.
C) EPA and mountains of regulations on everything from uniforms, safety codes, waste treatment, company wants to expand if it sees a mountain of investigations, lawsuits, and environmental groups bugging them.

THUS: until those factors are reversed, we will continue to see manufacturing collapse here, and service jobs rise. We'll export less & less, thus debt will continue to grow....gloomy? YUP.


New Member
Kerry wants to talk about how many jobs have gone overseas, yet what has he done with his own company, Heinz? Of the seventy some plants Heinz has, more than 50 of them are overseas. Now why would someone who is so concerned about American jobs hire so many workers overseas?