John McCain Gets Testy With Vet Over GI Bill



According to the DAV's website, McCain only gets a 20% veterans affairs voting rating. I wonder what major award they gave McCain for that less-than-stellar performance? Another interesting bit of info on the DAV and VFW sites is a list of all the veteran-related bills that have come out of the Senate in recent years. There were 86 bills introduced, and how many of these were sponsored by John McCain? Zero! How many were at least co-sponsored by McCain? One... a bill sponsored by his fellow RINO Lindsay Graham. So how can a guy who get's a 20 (out of a 100) score from the DAV and hasn't sponsored a veteran's bill in years, claim to be a big supporter of veteran affairs?

Oh.. that's right... McCain is infallible on the veterans issues. :bigwhoop:


According to the DAV's website, McCain only gets a 20% veterans affairs voting rating. I wonder what major award they gave McCain for that less-than-stellar performance? Another interesting bit of info on the DAV and VFW sites is a list of all the veteran-related bills that have come out of the Senate in recent years. There were 86 bills introduced, and how many of these were sponsored by John McCain? Zero! How many were at least co-sponsored by McCain? One... a bill sponsored by his fellow RINO Lindsay Graham. So how can a guy who get's a 20 (out of a 100) score from the DAV and hasn't sponsored a veteran's bill in years, claim to be a big supporter of veteran affairs?

Oh.. that's right... McCain is infallible on the veterans issues. :bigwhoop:

WTF! Unless part of this was left out he didn't even answer this guy's question and that's what I don't like about either candidate. Why can't they, when asked a question, just answer the damn question without going on and on and on about how wonderful they are. Why did he rattle on about education when the question was about health benefits. McCain said he would love to recognize the guy as a vet and he thanked McCain for his service. McCain had the perfect opportunity to say before I answer your question let me just thank you for your service - but he didn't. He launched on the defensive and then on to me wonderful me.

Every now and then - always on a weekend - maybe they have more time then - I'll come through the gate, show my retired ID card and I get a salute - I was enlisted, enlisted don't get saluted normally, and a thank you for your service ma'am (I could live without that!) I wasn't a barn burner by any means - I did my job - I took a lot of pride into doing it well - stood my watches - worked the weekends, long hours, lots of nights, did the funeral things etc - from my prospective it shocks me when I come through the gate and hear that. I would imagine any of us who have served and those of us who have gone on to retire appreciate it when we are appreciated. McCain could have scored and he blew it by talking about himself.

Before the usual suspects get on and start defending McCain, bashing Obama, and telling me how very wrong I am, don't waste your time. I already know that McCain served and Obama didn't and you're right Obama probably would not have thanked the guy either and would have rattled on about himself. Please bear in mind that unfortunately, this time, the thread is about McCain.


NOT Politically Correct!!
WTF! Unless part of this was left out he didn't even answer this guy's question and that's what I don't like about either candidate. Why can't they, when asked a question, just answer the damn question without going on and on and on about how wonderful they are. Why did he rattle on about education when the question was about health benefits. McCain said he would love to recognize the guy as a vet and he thanked McCain for his service. McCain had the perfect opportunity to say before I answer your question let me just thank you for your service - but he didn't. He launched on the defensive and then on to me wonderful me.

Every now and then - always on a weekend - maybe they have more time then - I'll come through the gate, show my retired ID card and I get a salute - I was enlisted, enlisted don't get saluted normally, and a thank you for your service ma'am (I could live without that!) I wasn't a barn burner by any means - I did my job - I took a lot of pride into doing it well - stood my watches - worked the weekends, long hours, lots of nights, did the funeral things etc - from my prospective it shocks me when I come through the gate and hear that. I would imagine any of us who have served and those of us who have gone on to retire appreciate it when we are appreciated. McCain could have scored and he blew it by talking about himself.

Before the usual suspects get on and start defending McCain, bashing Obama, and telling me how very wrong I am, don't waste your time. I already know that McCain served and Obama didn't and you're right Obama probably would not have thanked the guy either and would have rattled on about himself. Please bear in mind that unfortunately, this time, the thread is about McCain.

Asked and answered then, OK next topic!!! :coffee:


WTF! Unless part of this was left out he didn't even answer this guy's question and that's what I don't like about either candidate. Why can't they, when asked a question, just answer the damn question without going on and on and on about how wonderful they are. Why did he rattle on about education when the question was about health benefits. McCain said he would love to recognize the guy as a vet and he thanked McCain for his service. McCain had the perfect opportunity to say before I answer your question let me just thank you for your service - but he didn't. He launched on the defensive and then on to me wonderful me.

Every now and then - always on a weekend - maybe they have more time then - I'll come through the gate, show my retired ID card and I get a salute - I was enlisted, enlisted don't get saluted normally, and a thank you for your service ma'am (I could live without that!) I wasn't a barn burner by any means - I did my job - I took a lot of pride into doing it well - stood my watches - worked the weekends, long hours, lots of nights, did the funeral things etc - from my prospective it shocks me when I come through the gate and hear that. I would imagine any of us who have served and those of us who have gone on to retire appreciate it when we are appreciated. McCain could have scored and he blew it by talking about himself.

Before the usual suspects get on and start defending McCain, bashing Obama, and telling me how very wrong I am, don't waste your time. I already know that McCain served and Obama didn't and you're right Obama probably would not have thanked the guy either and would have rattled on about himself. Please bear in mind that unfortunately, this time, the thread is about McCain.

If you watched the video of him from the 90's where he's getting challenged by the MIA/POW advocates, you'll see he acts the same way. When you ask him about something he doesn't want to discuss he starts acting that way.

In McCain's defense, he has got the highest award from the VFW, but I haven't seen where he's gotten similar awards from DAV, American Legion, and other groups.
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If you watched the video of him from the 90's where he's getting challenged by the MIA/POW advocates, you'll see he acts the same way. When you ask him about something he doesn't want to discuss he starts acting that way.

In McCain's defense, he has got the highest award from the VFW, but I haven't seen where he's gotten similar awards from DAV, American Legion, and other groups.

I'll have to google that. To me he looked just a little bit testy when he started walking away - got the distinct impression it was one of those how dare you moments.