John McCain: Recruiting for Al Qaeda?


Habari Na Mijeldi

At the “Civil Forum” at Saddleback Church in Orange County, California this weekend, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) repeated a favorite line of his about Osama bin Laden:
If I have to follow him to the gates of hell, I will get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice. . . . No one should be allowed to take thousands of American, innocent American lives. Of course evil must be defeated . . . we are facing the transcendent challenge of the 21st century–radical Islamic extremists.
What a gift to the recruiting efforts of Al Qaeda! - to have an American presidential candidate declare himself a follower of Osama bin Laden. According to McCain, Bin Laden is so powerful that he poses a “transcendent” challenge to John McCain’s United States.
In his cogent, well-supported, and readable article, “What Terrorists Really Want,” Max Abrahms at UCLA argues that terrorists “are rational people who use terrorism primarily to develop strong affective ties with fellow terrorists.” Think of Al Qaeda as a gang that disaffected youth might join - something powerful to belong to that gives their lives meaning.


Well-Known Member
Aside from the silliness of splitting hairs over words - obviously "following someone to the gates of hell" in no way means they are a "follower" or disciple - the writer seems to think that this Max Abrahms is the de facto last word on the subject, because as everyone knows, if you write scholarly paper on a subject, it turns into fact just as surely as water gets turned into wine.

A quick Google on the guy reveals, he's a kid - well, maybe not so young - who expects to complete his thesis in the next year and a half.

I guess I was really hoping he'd be SOME kind of renowned expert in the field. If he knows so damned much, why isn't he doing something besides writing papers about this?