John McCain's kids

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I don't think...

John McCain 2008 - John McCain for President

What a great group! I have to tell you, if I were his campaign people I would be tempted to have him trot the youngest daughter out a little more. So much for that "bigoted old Republican white guy" thing.

...any kids, not Amy Carter, not Chelsea, not W's hellions, not Barracks and not McCain's', I don't think any kids deserve to be thrown into this cauldron of hyper analysis and nuclear powered criticisms and ugliness.

And I don't think Jimmy or Bill or Dubya or Obama or John, given what they do and how much they necessarily are gone from their kids lives, deserve much, if any, credit for how the children are doing.

Give the moms props and maybe give the dads a pat on the back for picking good women, but, lets leave the kids out and away from all of this as much a possible.


Has confinement issues..
John McCain 2008 - John McCain for President

What a great group! I have to tell you, if I were his campaign people I would be tempted to have him trot the youngest daughter out a little more. So much for that "bigoted old Republican white guy" thing.

The grooming of a President?:shrug: She's 17 and it's likely he's been on the path to the white house long before he annouced he would run. Adopting an orphan from a foreign country sounds like a good strategy to me.

...any kids, not Amy Carter, not Chelsea, not W's hellions, not Barracks and not McCain's', I don't think any kids deserve to be thrown into this cauldron of hyper analysis and nuclear powered criticisms and ugliness.

And I don't think Jimmy or Bill or Dubya or Obama or John, given what they do and how much they necessarily are gone from their kids lives, deserve much, if any, credit for how the children are doing.

Give the moms props and maybe give the dads a pat on the back for picking good women, but, lets leave the kids out and away from all of this as much a possible.



...any kids, not Amy Carter, not Chelsea, not W's hellions, not Barracks and not McCain's', I don't think any kids deserve to be thrown into this cauldron of hyper analysis and nuclear powered criticisms and ugliness.
And I don't think Jimmy or Bill or Dubya or Obama or John, given what they do and how much they necessarily are gone from their kids lives, deserve much, if any, credit for how the children are doing.

Give the moms props and maybe give the dads a pat on the back for picking good women, but, lets leave the kids out and away from all of this as much a possible.


'nuff said.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
The grooming of a President?:shrug: She's 17 and it's likely he's been on the path to the white house long before he annouced he would run. Adopting an orphan from a foreign country sounds like a good strategy to me.

Cindy brought the infant to the US for a cleft palate surgery. Apparently, she would have died without the surgery. She just fell in love with her & wanted to adopt her.


John McCain 2008 - John McCain for President

What a great group! I have to tell you, if I were his campaign people I would be tempted to have him trot the youngest daughter out a little more. So much for that "bigoted old Republican white guy" thing.

The first two are his first wifes from her first marriage. Then they had Sidney. Then he left for war. Was a POW. Then he came home and divorced her. She raised them alone.
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In 2000, the Bush people used Bridget to start a rumor during one of the Carolina primaries that McCain had fathered a "black" child.

This is something that seems to be one of those lies that when repeated enough become fact.

Richard H. Davis McCain 2000 Campaign manager said:
We had no idea who made the phone calls, who paid for them, or how many calls were made.


We never did find out who perpetrated these smears,

Now this is from a Boston Globe article where Richard H. Davis detailed the event. Seen here The anatomy of a smear campaign - The Boston Globe

The Daily KOS reprinted that exact same article "in parts" from the Boston Globe here:

Daily Kos: The anatomy of a smear campaign - Rove's Push Polls

In place of the above direct quote where Davis says he has no idea who did it, how many calls were made or who paid for them, the KOS stuck this in to make it look legit.

Bush's campaign strategists, including Karl Rove, devised a push poll against John McCain. South Carolina voters were asked "Would you be more likely or less likely to vote for John McCain for president if you knew he had fathered an illegitimate black child?". They had no interest in the actual percentages in the poll, the goal was to suggest that [McCain had a black child]. This was particularly vicious since McCain was campaining with his adopted [dark skinned] Bangladeshi daughter

The KOS took an article and plucked pieces of it in text boxes then added their own part in a similar text box making it look like it came from the same article by Davis but it did not. Of course the part where Davis said he did not know who, how many or who paid for them was left out of the KOS version.

Reprehensible. So KOS decides to create history here by repeating the story that their favorite boogey man ROVE did it. As a matter of fact the bulk of the article on KOS is dedicated to their favorite boogey man ROVE.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Whatever the case was, it was for the benefit of Bush.

...that a bit presumptuous? That racial attacks help the person intended?

Bill Clinton didn't even do anything, but the mere accusation that he was saying racist things may have cost Hillary the nomination in a very close contest. If had, it backfired, didn't it?

People make this huge deal out of these vague, obscure things from 2000, the flyers on cars, this black kid thing, as though they had a real and decisive effect on the race as though McCain and Bush were these carbon copies that were only different in that Bush accused McCain of this and that.

I mean think about what we're saying:

"Oh my God. Did you hear about John McCain? I was all set to vote for him right up until I got this phone, my..."

You gonna appeal to a person that stupid, if that's how they, on the whole, in some other fashion, like issues? Maybe cap gain rates will fire their imagination? The long term t bill? How about new FDIC regulations?


Whatever the case was, it was for the benefit of Bush.

True but to claim Rove did it and Bush knew about it or endorsed it is NOT a statement of fact at all. Also to claim that it cost McCain the primary is also not a statement of fact McCain never had a lead in any polls in SC up to the Feb primary. No one even knows how many calls were made in this push poll.

It could have been any zealot.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

True but to claim Rove did it and Bush knew about it or endorsed it is NOT a statement of fact at all. Also to claim that it cost McCain the primary is also not a statement of fact McCain never had a lead in any polls in SC up to the Feb primary. No one even knows how many calls were made in this push poll.

It could have been any zealot.

...the good news is that all the Democrats who were really, really upset for McCain have a chance to now set things right for their hero.

I'll hold my breathe.



...the good news is that all the Democrats who were really, really upset for McCain have a chance to now set things right for their hero.

I'll hold my breathe.


I will too. I just think it is funny how the left concocts a story, then repeats it over and over until it becomes fact. Then they cite it as fact.

To make the hypocrisy complete if you look at the reprehensible lie I cited perpetuated by KOS on their website you will see a link next to it they call Newt Gingrich a liar. :killingme

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I will too. I just think it is funny how the left concocts a story, then repeats it over and over until it becomes fact. Then they cite it as fact.

To make the hypocrisy complete if you look at the reprehensible lie I cited perpetuated by KOS on their website you will see a link next to it they call Newt Gingrich a liar. :killingme

...something to make it true is one thing. That's amateur hour.

Repeating something to make it true AND absolve your guy of the power he had to prove or disprove it is art.

Swiftboating; the art of getting someone off their own hook.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I will too. I just think it is funny how the left concocts a story, then repeats it over and over until it becomes fact. Then they cite it as fact.

I do not think that's funny at all - it pisses me off to no end. You can't have a discussion with these moonbats who believe every blogger rumor that comes down the pike. And you can't even show them proof that the rumor isn't true because then they'll just say that Karl Rove controls the media and squelched the story.


My beloved grandmother went to her death believing that Bill Clinton was always faithful to Hillary, and that the Republicans forced him to admit to something he didn't do.



Well-Known Member
My beloved grandmother went to her death believing that Bill Clinton was always faithful to Hillary, and that the Republicans forced him to admit to something he didn't do.

Blue dress, anyone? I still can't believe he didn't just 'fess up once they collected the DNA sample.

I used to LOVE this comic strip called "Mr Boffo" and some time ago I lent out my only copy of his strips.

One of them depicted a guy talking to his prison cell mate and said something like "I'm only in here because the judge didn't like me - and the fingerprints on the gun, let's not forget about THAT".


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Blue dress, anyone?

You can't get people to believe something they don't want to believe, regardless of how much proof you show them that they're wrong. And, conversely, people will believe what they want, regardless of the facts.

It's tedious, and I try not to talk to people who are nutty like that.