Joint pain


New Member
Just thought I'd follow up with you all on my joint pain. I saw a rheumatologist Tuesday and he drew some labs. Got a call yesterday from the nurse saying that I am seriously under the level for vitamin D. So I am now on 50,000 units of vitamin D for the next 6 weeks then have to get retested. Yay! Glad it's such an easy fix :diva:


Active Member
Just thought I'd follow up with you all on my joint pain. I saw a rheumatologist Tuesday and he drew some labs. Got a call yesterday from the nurse saying that I am seriously under the level for vitamin D. So I am now on 50,000 units of vitamin D for the next 6 weeks then have to get retested. Yay! Glad it's such an easy fix :diva:

Been there....done that..... still have joint pain......


Well-Known Member
Just thought I'd follow up with you all on my joint pain. I saw a rheumatologist Tuesday and he drew some labs. Got a call yesterday from the nurse saying that I am seriously under the level for vitamin D. So I am now on 50,000 units of vitamin D for the next 6 weeks then have to get retested. Yay! Glad it's such an easy fix :diva:

Hi Def, that would be wonderful if the vit D helps you to feel better.


one day the dark will end
Just thought I'd follow up with you all on my joint pain. I saw a rheumatologist Tuesday and he drew some labs. Got a call yesterday from the nurse saying that I am seriously under the level for vitamin D. So I am now on 50,000 units of vitamin D for the next 6 weeks then have to get retested. Yay! Glad it's such an easy fix :diva:

No an easy fix... I have been on V-D for some time and I use a solar UV is on now....many think that Vit-D is also a hormone....hope ya feel better!!!!
I live my light, as do my cats and i take my Vit D daily...makes a huge difference!


Soul Probe

I was told today by an osteo-oncologist that the pain in my knees/legs is due to my vitamin D deficiency. He said it may take up to 4 months of supplements to get relief (I take 1000 units daily). High-Def, I was wondering if it worked out for you and about how long did it take? Anyone else with the same problem/treatment?

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
I was told today by an osteo-oncologist that the pain in my knees/legs is due to my vitamin D deficiency. He said it may take up to 4 months of supplements to get relief (I take 1000 units daily). High-Def, I was wondering if it worked out for you and about how long did it take? Anyone else with the same problem/treatment?

I'm on 2000 units now and it took about 3 weeks for my body to feel better. What a difference it made in my aches. :yay:


Soul Probe
I'm on 2000 units now and it took about 3 weeks for my body to feel better. What a difference it made in my aches. :yay:

Thanks Dye. I've been on 1000 for about a month now and the bone pain is getting worse. My bp has been high lately (I've never had high bp before), so I'm thinking that's D related as well. It might be time to go back to my GP and ask if it's feasible to up the dose. No doubt everyone is different but three weeks more of this sounds a heck of a lot better than four months!

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
Thanks Dye. I've been on 1000 for about a month now and the bone pain is getting worse. My bp has been high lately (I've never had high bp before), so I'm thinking that's D related as well. It might be time to go back to my GP and ask if it's feasible to up the dose. No doubt everyone is different but three weeks more of this sounds a heck of a lot better than four months!

I started out on 1000 and did feel better in just a few weeks but even more so when my dosage was upped. As with my thyroid meds, I feel better after a few weeks but reach a 100% level of wellness after 6 weeks. Go back to the doc. Research it on the internet.


New Member
Wirelessly posted

My doc told me the same thing about the joint pain and though the cause is a genetic disorder, the vitamin D still seems to be helping a bit (especially in the mornings). He also tested me for Lyme (negative :yay:) you all should be sure it's not Lyme as well, just in case! And make sure the doc does the Cali test, it is significantly more accurate than the other 'tests'.

Gkkd luck!