Juanita Beats Hillary in Ratings Showdown


In a head-to-head TV match-up between Clinton sexual assault accuser Juanita Broaddrick and former first lady Hillary Clinton Tuesday night, Mrs. Broaddrick won the ratings battle hands down.

"I just got the word from my producer," Sean Hannity told his radio audience Wednesday afternoon. "Juanita Broaddrick drew a larger audience than Larry King's interview with Hillary Clinton."

Hannity devoted a full hour of his Fox News Channel "Hannity & Colmes" broadcast to the Broaddrick interview and a debate about her charges, while Mrs. Clinton discussed her book with CNN's King.


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Staff member
PREMO Member
I'd like to see Juanita and Hitlery go at it on Celebrity Boxing.:cheers:

John Z

if you will
Originally posted by Sharon
I'd like to see Juanita and Hitlery go at it on Celebrity Boxing.:cheers:

Hey, yeah, when the heck will we get our next installment of Celibrity Boxing? Great show! :cheers:


Football season!
People already saw clinton in TV a few days prior, and the clinton fans were busy reading her book (big seller it seems) instead of watching TV. Plus peope thought juanita might shed more light on clinton dirt, we already knew what hil had to say :biggrin:


New Member
I thought Juanita came off as credible. Of course I thought she was credible 5 years ago. She also seems like she is scared to death of Hillary. Personally, I'm surprised she hasn't woke up dead yet.
She did reinforce the notion that as long as Hillary didn't say anything about Bill's women, he wouldn't say anything about hers.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Juanita Beats Hillary in Ratings Showdown

Originally posted by Surf City Baby
Doesn't surprise me in the least.

H&C always beat Larry King, and by about the same amount.


New Member
In other news, despite the reinvigorated Clinton-bashing from the right wing, Hillary Clinton's as well as Bill Clinton's favorable ratings have increased ten percent since the last public opinion poll was released on the matter.


Originally posted by demsformd
In other news, despite the reinvigorated Clinton-bashing from the right wing, Hillary Clinton's as well as Bill Clinton's favorable ratings have increased ten percent since the last public opinion poll was released on the matter.

Which ratings? Lying...Cheating...Stealing...or Slime?


Originally posted by demsformd
In other news, despite the reinvigorated Clinton-bashing from the right wing, Hillary Clinton's as well as Bill Clinton's favorable ratings have increased ten percent since the last public opinion poll was released on the matter.

Try this rating on for size

Thursday, June 12, 2003
Public Says Hillary’s Book Lies

Fifty-six percent of Americans questioned in a new poll think Hillary Clinton was lying when she wrote that she did not believe hubby Bill had an affair with Monica Lewinsky until he admitted it to her eight months after that reality was first revealed.

"Indeed, more than one in five people say the autobiographical memoir belongs in the fiction section of bookstores,” USA Today reported today.

The public also thinks she’s lying about her convoluted, intricately worded denials that she’ll run for president. A USA Today/CNN/Gallup Poll found that 73 percent predicted she would run someday.

Forty-two percent said they would vote for her in 2008; 56 percent said they would not. Of those, 21 percent they very likely would vote for her, whereas a whopping 44 percent said they were "not at all likely."

According to this poll, the pro-Democrat media’s frenzy to promote her book has succeeded. Fifty-three percent of those interviewed said they had a favorable view of her, up from two weeks ago, when people were split 43 percent to 43 percent.

Quinnipiac Poll: Hillary’s Book Backfires

However, a new survey by Quinnipiac University found that Hillary’s fictitious book has backfired and made her less popular.

Eighteen percent of Americans said the book made them think less favorably of New York's junior U.S. senator. Only 8 percent had a better opinion of her.

The poll also confirmed that Hillary is a stronger contender for the White House than the nine announced wannabes for 2004, at least among Democrats.

Surf City Baby

New Member
Originally posted by chuckster
Fifty-six percent of Americans questioned in a new poll . . . . "Indeed, more than one in five people say the autobiographical memoir belongs in the fiction section of bookstores,” USA Today reported today. . . .

According to this poll, the pro-Democrat media’s frenzy to promote her book has succeeded. Fifty-three percent of those interviewed said they had a favorable view of her, up from two weeks ago, when people were split 43 percent to 43 percent. . . .

However, a new survey by Quinnipiac University found that Hillary’s fictitious [?] book has backfired and made her less popular.

Eighteen percent of Americans said the book made them think less favorably of New York's junior U.S. senator. Only 8 percent had a better opinion of her.

Did either poll ask how many people polled had read the freakin' book? Or is that no longer a criteria for offering an opinion on a book? :rolleyes:


Monica's TV Audience Dwarfed Hillary's

The number of television viewers who tuned in to see Monica Lewinsky's 1999 interview with Barbara Walters was more than three times as large as the number of viewers garnered by Hillary Clinton in her much-ballyhooed sitdown with Walters on Sunday.

Despite publishing industry hype suggesting that Mrs. Clinton's book debut is one of the biggest media events of all time, only 13.5 million viewers tuned in to see her comment for the first time at any length on her husband's relationship with Lewinsky.

By contrast, a whopping 48.5 million viewers tuned in to watch Lewinsky's television debut, according to NBCSandiego.com - 3.59 times as many as the number watching Hillary.

Even NBC's little-promoted February 1999 interview with Clinton sexual assault accuser Juanita Broaddrick drew 23 million viewers - nearly double the number that watched Hillary-Walters.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Surf City Baby
Did either poll ask how many people polled had read the freakin' book? Or is that no longer a criteria for offering an opinion on a book?
This book has been excerpted so many times, in so many different publications, there's no need to buy and read it. I think Hillary's hoping we're a bunch of retards and have forgotten what went down and the way the news guys were reporting it.

I could respect Hillary Clinton if she would 'fess up and quit blaming everyone else for her and her husband's lies and shady (not to mention criminal) activity. But that's what those people do.

And, ST, you ask WHY we're so obsessed with Clinton and bring him up incessantly - here's your answer: Because the Democrats are trying desperately to revise history and have been since that rapist took office. It's our job as responsible citizens to remember what REALLY happened and keep the record straight. Cause God knows we're not going to get any truth or candor out of the Clintonistas. Or the Democrats, for that matter.


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
And, ST, you ask WHY we're so obsessed with Clinton and bring him up incessantly - here's your answer: Because the Democrats are trying desperately to revise history and have been since that rapist took office. It's our job as responsible citizens to remember what REALLY happened and keep the record straight. Cause God knows we're not going to get any truth or candor out of the Clintonistas. Or the Democrats, for that matter.

Oh come on, you're not being responsible citizens and trying to keep history straight. You just love talking about them. Be it TV ratings, Book sales, etc, this does nothing to "correct their history".
funny and sad at the same time.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Oh come on, you're not being responsible citizens and trying to keep history straight. You just love talking about them. Be it TV ratings, Book sales, etc, this does nothing to "correct their history".
funny and sad at the same time.

A LOT surrounding the Clintons ONLY occurred because someone felt the need to "set the record straight". Paula Jones was prepared to drop everything, but filed at the last minute because she was being depicted as trailer trash. Monica was being regarded on record as some kind of obsessed stalker. Juanita, as some kind of low-life lying trash.

Here's a new one: Dick Morris's answer --


He was on TV last night, pretty much telling the same story, and only commented because Hillary was just making it up as she went along.

I mean, she should have named the book "RE-Writing History".

You know, people CAN forgive a lying a**hole, but you gotta own up to BEING a lying a**hole. And God help you if you make yourself out to be a SAINT in the process.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
funny and sad at the same time.
Whatever. If you'll notice, as SamSpade pointed out, the only time the Clintons become a topic is when someone (like yourself, perhaps) tries to revise history. If you want to live in a dream world, help yourself. I choose not to.


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Whatever. If you'll notice, as SamSpade pointed out, the only time the Clintons become a topic is when someone (like yourself, perhaps) tries to revise history. If you want to live in a dream world, help yourself. I choose not to.

No. I believe this thread was started to boast about how bad hil's TV spot did next to juanitas, yet another person in the clinton saga.
Remember what I said before, any publicity gets your name out there, raises curiosity. The more you try to bring up hil or bill, the more people are curious. So talk about them all you want. Personally, I would rather stay quiet and hope they go away. But for now, they will continue their trips with the media, and they can count on right wingers to keep their names in the media even longer.