Jukebox surprise


Asperger's Poster Child
In a local American Legion hall, I noticed that the jukebox had Mariah Carey and Enya. This may sound stereotypical, but I have a hard time imagining a grizzled Army vet getting into something like Enya.

Also, the jukebox still had Dixie Chicks albums. Did some veterans' groups have album burnings last year or something?


Originally posted by Tonio
In a local American Legion hall, I noticed that the jukebox had Mariah Carey and Enya. This may sound stereotypical, but I have a hard time imagining a grizzled Army vet getting into something like Enya.

Let me say this about that.....

I used to work for a ex master cheif who was probably the most grizzled, crusty, salty damn dog you'd ever meet.


He had all her albums, and one was almost always playing whenever I went into his office.

He was a fan of any type of classical music (partial to the 1812 overture), and like a lot of stuff like Yanni, Seal, Loreena McKennit and that sort of thing.