LEONARDTOWN – The Commissioners of St. Mary's County held their regular business meeting Tuesday, June 22, 2021, in the Chesapeake Building in Leonardtown.
The Commissioners recognized the retirement of John C. Raley after more than 30 years of service from the Department of Public Works & Transportation.
A virtual Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the Sheriff's Office District 3 station was presented to the Commissioners.
Several St. Mary's County Government employees were recognized before the Commissioners during the Department of Human Resources People's Choice/COVID-19 Response awards.
The Commissioners also recognized the 2021 Safety Matters Employee Awards, highlighting county government employees who consistently demonstrate involvement and leadership in creating and maintaining workplace safety.
The Commissioners approved a request by the County Attorney and signed a resolution to end the COVID-19 State of Emergency in St. Mary's County that has been in place since March 5, 2020. The State of Emergency will be rescinded locally effective July 1, 2021.
The Department of Human Resources received approval from the Commissioners to hold a public hearing to receive comments on a proposal to modify the LOSAP point award process for calendar year 2021 through the end of the State of Emergency. LOSAP is a retirement program for volunteer firefighters and rescue squad members as an incentive and reward to their many generous and dedicated members. The Public Hearing will take place July 13; a formal public notice will be forthcoming.
A grant application request by the Sheriff's Office was approved for the Community Policing Development Crisis Intervention Teams Program grant for the amount of $250,000 to expand its current Crisis Intervention Teams Program.
The Commissioners approved a three year lease extension on property owned by the county but used by the Patuxent River Naval Air Museum Association (PRNAMA). The county will continue to own the property and maintain the grounds while the PRNAMA will operate the museum and pay utilities and expenses.
The Department of Public Works & Transportation and the Department of Economic Development were approved by the Commissioners to apply for the Defense Community Infrastructure Grant Program for $395,118 to improve pedestrian and bicycle access to the Great Mills Business District and NAS Patuxent River.
The Commissioners met with the Alcohol Beverage Board of St. Mary's County to discuss House Bill 12, which was signed into law by Governor Larry Hogan and alters the scope of provisions regulating the sale of alcoholic beverages for off-premise consumption.
The Commissioners approved the St. Mary's County Agriculture Land Preservation Advisory Board's ranking of 10 property applications to be submitted for Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation (MALPF) funding.
The Department of Human Resources received approval for a request to enter into a new agreement between St. Mary's County and the Soil Conversation District to fund a portion of the District Manager's salary, including retiree health and life benefits.
The Commissioners approved a resolution recognizing Juneteenth as an official holiday, providing county employees with an additional paid holiday or as floating holiday leave.
The Department of Finance presented the American Rescue Act Spending Plan to the Commissioners and received approval to disperse the previously approved allocation of $992,353 from the grant. The Commissioners deferred a decision on the remainder of the proposed spending plan pending further review.
The next regularly scheduled business meeting of the Commissioners of St. Mary's County is Tuesday, July 13, 2021, at 9 a.m. There will be no Commissioner Meeting on either June 29 or July 6. Commissioner decisions and related public documents are available on the county government website in BoardDocs. In addition, St. Mary's County Commissioner Meetings may be viewed live Tuesday mornings on SMCG Channel 95 or as a replay Friday nights at 6:30 p.m. Meetings are also available for on-demand viewing on the St. Mary's County Government YouTube Channel.
The Commissioners recognized the retirement of John C. Raley after more than 30 years of service from the Department of Public Works & Transportation.
A virtual Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the Sheriff's Office District 3 station was presented to the Commissioners.
Several St. Mary's County Government employees were recognized before the Commissioners during the Department of Human Resources People's Choice/COVID-19 Response awards.
The Commissioners also recognized the 2021 Safety Matters Employee Awards, highlighting county government employees who consistently demonstrate involvement and leadership in creating and maintaining workplace safety.
The Commissioners approved a request by the County Attorney and signed a resolution to end the COVID-19 State of Emergency in St. Mary's County that has been in place since March 5, 2020. The State of Emergency will be rescinded locally effective July 1, 2021.
The Department of Human Resources received approval from the Commissioners to hold a public hearing to receive comments on a proposal to modify the LOSAP point award process for calendar year 2021 through the end of the State of Emergency. LOSAP is a retirement program for volunteer firefighters and rescue squad members as an incentive and reward to their many generous and dedicated members. The Public Hearing will take place July 13; a formal public notice will be forthcoming.
A grant application request by the Sheriff's Office was approved for the Community Policing Development Crisis Intervention Teams Program grant for the amount of $250,000 to expand its current Crisis Intervention Teams Program.
The Commissioners approved a three year lease extension on property owned by the county but used by the Patuxent River Naval Air Museum Association (PRNAMA). The county will continue to own the property and maintain the grounds while the PRNAMA will operate the museum and pay utilities and expenses.
The Department of Public Works & Transportation and the Department of Economic Development were approved by the Commissioners to apply for the Defense Community Infrastructure Grant Program for $395,118 to improve pedestrian and bicycle access to the Great Mills Business District and NAS Patuxent River.
The Commissioners met with the Alcohol Beverage Board of St. Mary's County to discuss House Bill 12, which was signed into law by Governor Larry Hogan and alters the scope of provisions regulating the sale of alcoholic beverages for off-premise consumption.
The Commissioners approved the St. Mary's County Agriculture Land Preservation Advisory Board's ranking of 10 property applications to be submitted for Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation (MALPF) funding.
The Department of Human Resources received approval for a request to enter into a new agreement between St. Mary's County and the Soil Conversation District to fund a portion of the District Manager's salary, including retiree health and life benefits.
The Commissioners approved a resolution recognizing Juneteenth as an official holiday, providing county employees with an additional paid holiday or as floating holiday leave.
The Department of Finance presented the American Rescue Act Spending Plan to the Commissioners and received approval to disperse the previously approved allocation of $992,353 from the grant. The Commissioners deferred a decision on the remainder of the proposed spending plan pending further review.
The next regularly scheduled business meeting of the Commissioners of St. Mary's County is Tuesday, July 13, 2021, at 9 a.m. There will be no Commissioner Meeting on either June 29 or July 6. Commissioner decisions and related public documents are available on the county government website in BoardDocs. In addition, St. Mary's County Commissioner Meetings may be viewed live Tuesday mornings on SMCG Channel 95 or as a replay Friday nights at 6:30 p.m. Meetings are also available for on-demand viewing on the St. Mary's County Government YouTube Channel.