Junk heavy sites...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...note to Breitbart, The Guardian and others;

If I have to sit through the annoyance of all your graphics and videos and other crap loading, I won't stick around to read your content nor will I come back.

More and more of late, all my computers, even the damn cell phone, many of these sites are taking much longer to load. Is that just me?


PREMO Member
More and more of late, all my computers, even the damn cell phone, many of these sites are taking much longer to load. Is that just me?

what I hate - the new video segments that basically repeat the contents of the article - Wash Times I am looking at you

but yes, media heavy pages can be slower

how about 1995 - web pages Might have one graphic and the text was Courier 99% of the time on a gray back ground