Just a curiosity...I know it killed the cat and all but,...


I Need a Beer
How is it that most of you seem to spend a lot of time on this forum, doesn't your employer object? I have a full time day job and then the family and house at night...just wondering how you guys have so much extra time??? :confused:


Set Trippin
Originally posted by citysherry
How is it that most of you seem to spend a lot of time on this forum, doesn't your employer object? I have a full time day job and then the family and house at night...just wondering how you guys have so much extra time??? :confused:
:shutup: WTF are you talking about? :shrug:


Teach me to talk
I don't spend all that much time on here. However, the priority is my job. Yet, when I am slow and have downtime, I gladly surf the net and work my way over here. I think it would be more of a problem for people if they weren't completing their job function. You can't tell me you never have down time on your job.


Duck Molester
Originally posted by citysherry
How is it that most of you seem to spend a lot of time on this forum, doesn't your employer object? I have a full time day job and then the family and house at night...just wondering how you guys have so much extra time??? :confused:
takes the same amout of time to lurk as it does to post.


I Need a Beer
Originally posted by vraiblonde
This IS my job. :diva:

Or part of it, anyway.

Well, you're the lucky one:biggrin: Where I work, every time you get on the net, a report is generated which lists the amount of time and number of sites hit. :mad: So even if the cat is away, the mice are still watched!


Enjoying life!
Originally posted by citysherry
Where I work, every time you get on the net, a report is generated which lists the amount of time and number of sites hit.

Most good IT departments log the activity of its users. But,

1. Do they act on excessive surfing proactively, or reactively?
2. Do you use the Internet as an integral part of your job?

The Internet is part of life now. The real question is, are you doing the job you were hired to do? If so, probably nothing will be said.

Oh, and most of the regulars on here are unemployed, on the dole, and losers. :biggrin:


New Member
Originally posted by citysherry
How is it that most of you seem to spend a lot of time on this forum, doesn't your employer object? I have a full time day job and then the family and house at night...just wondering how you guys have so much extra time??? :confused:

First let me say "hello" to all since I am new here.

Citysherry, I think you have raised a good question. I also wonder the same. I also wonder if there are people in your building (or anyone elses for that matter) that have figured out who some of the characters are on here and are spying on them.

What does anyone else think?


New Member
Re: Re: Re: Just a curiosity...I know it killed the cat and all but,...

Originally posted by *archimedes*
goodbye, credibility!
Thanks for the warm welcome. I sure can feel the love. :cheesy:


b*tch rocket
Re: Re: Just a curiosity...I know it killed the cat and all but,...

Originally posted by MataHari
Citysherry, I think you have raised a good question. I also wonder the same. I also wonder if there are people in your building (or anyone elses for that matter) that have figured out who some of the characters are on here and are spying on them.

What does anyone else think?

I've never made it a secret from my boss that I post on the forums. somd online is actually where I found the company I work for. I get my job done and then some.


b*tch rocket
Oh! And there's nothing on here that I don't say at work. I even made the rag one year from what I posted, the guy sitting beside me said, "hey listen to what this chic posted on your forums, she's brutal". Twas me. :diva: :lol:


:lmao: He thought we were all brutal. UFB, a writer of the rag would call anyone brutal.