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How many of us know people in this situation?
New cars that are fully loaded — with debt - Los Angeles Times
Buying cars with reverse loans tied to them.
Now this practice threatens the economy.
Like buying homes with creative financing, buying cars with reverse loans, using credit cards, shoving mortgage and equity loans and equity lines of credit. people go wild and Charge it. Some never seem to get it. They just keep getting deeper and deeper and the banks and mortgage companies promote it, and when the crash comes, who is at fault. The stupid buyer or the stupid loans given them by banks and finance companies with no ethics.
New cars that are fully loaded — with debt - Los Angeles Times
Buying cars with reverse loans tied to them.
Now this practice threatens the economy.
Like buying homes with creative financing, buying cars with reverse loans, using credit cards, shoving mortgage and equity loans and equity lines of credit. people go wild and Charge it. Some never seem to get it. They just keep getting deeper and deeper and the banks and mortgage companies promote it, and when the crash comes, who is at fault. The stupid buyer or the stupid loans given them by banks and finance companies with no ethics.